The Cat Herbal Oracle deck is the 4th deck I’ve published. I use this deck at the very end of a soul reading, past life reading or ancestor reading to provide healing advice for myself or for a client.
At the Beginning of a Soul Reading
I begin each soul reading by lighting a candle, burning sage and saying a blessing to cleanse, protect and purify the space. I will call upon my spirit guides, ancestors, the divines and the elementals to be with me and I invite my client to do the same. I request that the reading be for the deepest and highest good for all concerned.
When to Pull a Cat Herbal Oracle Card
At the end of the reading is usually when the Cat Herbals call out to be heard so I shuffle the deck and choose a card using my non dominant, intuitive hand. I will always have the client’s questions in mind when I pull an oracle card.
Dandelion Card Front and Back
The Cat Herbal card pulled will suggest some spiritual and practical plant medicine to bless, heal and comfort the client or oneself at this particular time in life.
Valerian by Kathy Crabbe
There is an affirmation on the back of each card which is also powerful magic and often this is all that is needed.
The back of each card also offers suggestions for working with the herb often tied into the holy days of the year which are described on the inside cover of the box.
Questions to ask the Cat Herbal Oracles
What do I need to know?
Is this herb my ally?
What part of my life do I need to pay more attention to right now?
If the herb’s response can’t be heard or sensed at this time sit quietly with the kitty pictured on the card and meditate or breath in the healing energy of the herb, trusting it to do its job gently and effectively.
At the End of a Soul Reading
At the end of the reading thank your guides and your herbal ally, blow out your candle and send healing to all those in need of healing including yourself. Take notes in your journal and continue to work with the herbal ally that showed up if it feels right. Suggestions for how to do this are on the back of each card.
Click here to read about my personal encounter with Wild Cucumber’s spirit (plus the difference between tarot and oracle cards.
Marigold Affirmation by Kathy Crabbe
About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe inspires others to live their dreams. In 2000 Kathy was bored and blocked creatively so she switched to her left hand. This awakened her intuitive right brain in a holistic way and inspired her to create a Lefty Oracle Deck and become a professional soul reader.
Kathy lives and works near Temecula, California on the traditional land of the Payómkawichum and in the 1000 Islands, Ontario, Canada on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories with her wee doggy Djinn Djinn and architect husband Mark in an adobe style home and lakeside cottage they built themselves.
Win a signed Cat Herbal Print of your choice & an Astrology Soul Reading by me!
To enter: Leave a comment below and share the deck launch on Facebook and/or Instagram tagging me @kathycrabbeart and using these hashtags: #catherbaldeckraffle #catherbaloracledeck
Contest winner chosen on May 9, Mum’s Day!