Dear Moon Muser,
I am having so much fun with my motto for the year: Art First, Integration and Simplification. How about you, do you have a motto or 'word of the year' picked out yet?
Each morning I meditate by noting the astro and moon phase of the day, light 3 candles, say blessings and protections, surround myself with the sacred geometry of the Ring of Torus, let go of 3 blocks and say my motto. Then I do a chakra meditation, ground myself and pull oracle and tarot cards in answer to my questions.
This morning I realized that there is a need for ongoing healing and spiritual support and I'd love to offer you that through my oracle and tarot paintings and meditations.
You may not realize but I'm working on a new divination deck and will release more details about it closer to the Spring Equinox. I'm soooo EXCITED! I can't wait to share my progress, the name and concept for the new deck and slowly share the artwork from the deck as limited edition hand signed cards and prints.
We are currently in between Imbolc and Spring Equinox as we, along with beautiful Mama Gaia prepare for rebirth at Spring time. I've noticed the hummingbirds here are gathering fluff from dried weeds to build their nest. The Almost Spring smells are intensifying too. I live on five acres in rural Southern California so am surrounded by nature: giant old California Oaks, Elders and their dark blue berries, coyote, bobcat and once a ring tailed cat, oh so long ago.
I hope to share more work from my upcoming soon-to-be-announced deck. May these paintings bring you solace, joy and witchy wonder.
Sparkly Blessings & Blessed BEE!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe, Temecula, CA
About Kathy Crabbe
Initiated in Third Road Faerie Witch Tradition, Kathy Crabbe has created five oracle decks that combine with her astrological soul readings to inspire and heal your moon-guided witchy heart. Kathy divides her time between Southern California and the 1000 Islands, Canada travelling by caravan to faerie cottages built by her beloved and herself.