When I began painting today I asked these questions to help me center in my spiritual practice. This is something you can do at the beginning of your day or when you start a new project.
What does the world need right now?
What do I need?
Next, visualize yourself surrounded by your favorite color. What does that color represent for you?
I chose the color apple green which represents new beginnings, juicy green apples and hope.
Feel yourself surrounded by your color. I feel myself enclosed (in a good way) by the color apple green
Beneath the beneath. (Say this phrase to help yourself go beneath the surface of things, beneath the problems, the day to day stresses, etc.)
Here is something you might also need help with.
Setting Boundaries
Today I need to create space for myself in the world that feels safe and to clearly ask others to RESPECT THAT SPACE and to respect the boundaries I have created.
Next I asked my guides, ancestors, the divine(s) to offer me advice and guidance in regards to some issues I’m working on.
I also created protection by saying a prayer. You can also say an affirmation for protection.
The Vision
I receive a vision of the Bonhomme. He is the official representative of the Québec Winter Carnival.
White as snow, wearing a red tuque and arrow sash of heroes of our past, Bonhomme embodies the joie de vivre of Quebecers.
I feel his presence as cooling and soft.
I say these words:
I am safe.
I am protected.
I am okay.
I ask for help in dealing with my problems.
At this point in the spell you can say aloud (or to yourself) whatever problems/issues you are facing or you can write them down in a journal.
Wait for advice from your guides or ancestors and write down whatever feelings, words, sensations you receive.
Blessed Be.
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist
p.s. I highly recommend this brand new book by Nedra Tawwab: “Set Boundaries, Find Peace.”