Full Moon in Aries
September 23, 2010
2:17 am pdt
Spotlight on Aries Artist, Jennifer King
Idaho, USA
Jen's Blog
1. How does your zodiac sign influence your life and your creativity?
To be honest I never considered that my sign could influence my creativity until I ran across the interviews here on your blog. After reading testimonies from other artists about their personalities regarding their individual signs I became very curious to test out the theory with my own Aries sun sign. I did a little research on Aries traits and since then I have become more aware of myself and why I do the things that I do. It's so amazing to think that who I am could be linked to my birth date - my original start in the world. (Who would have thought!)
I learned that if a person does not express the qualities of their sun sign it can lead to lack of confidence, energy, and inner peace. I find this to be so true. As an Aries personality if I don't achieve what I think I should it takes a toll on me mentally and physically. When I connect with a creative outlet and feel passionate and excited about my art, I find so much happiness and fulfillment in my life. A successful piece of art is what gives me energy and confidence to move on the next piece. Aries possess the ability to climb great heights and I find that to feel fulfillment I have to be progressing with my creativity. I love the idea that we need to express the qualities of our sun sign in order to feel at peace. We have to be true to ourselves!

2. What do you like best about your sign and least?
Aries possess so much passion and energy, but on the other hand an Arian can become impatient as well! Because of my sign I find that I can become bored easily if I am not constantly finding creative outlets. I love to learn new things and new ways to create art. I am currently attending a University working towards a degree in art. I didn't choose a specific area of art, but rather chose a path that would let me take a few classes in every area. I was frustrated at first by not being able to choose, but now I realize that I have simply stayed true to my sun sign. My Aries excitement leads to thoughts and ideas always running through my head and I'm always moving from one project to the next.
3. What advice do you have for other Arians who are just starting to explore and develop their creativity?
My advice to other Aries artists (and really to every artist) is to always, always be true to yourself. You will not be at peace if you ignore your passion for creativity! Aries is the first sun sign on the zodiac calendar. As an Arian, you have an impulsive, pioneering personality. If you have a creative idea just try it! I have found that it is so important for this sign to avoid over-thinking or being held back by others. Be impulsive! Be true to your ideas! Enjoy your creative life.

Jen's Bio
I have been interested in the art world my entire life. I love beautiful things! I go through different phases of what I like to make and which media I work in. I'm always looking for new ways to design and be creative. I will be graduating from Brigham Young University-Idaho with a Bachelors in Art at the end of this year. Classes there are where I have really learned technique and have gained even more of a desire to continue creating worthwhile things.