Full Moon in ScorpioApril 28, 2010 5:18 am PDT
The Moon in Scorpio takes us deep down into our psyche, our roots - down where the magma lies. Our concentration can become fierce, even obsessive, so we need to focus it with care. We can ignore our body or be engulfed in sexuality; get mean or be filled with compassion. It's time to compost the deadwood of life and garden. Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook.

Scorpios are known for their intensity. I don't think I ever fully appreciated that part of my personality until recently. I now view creativity as a way of life rather than simply "something I do." I pursue my work with such a drive and a passion that it sometimes surprises me since otherwise I'm a pretty laid-back person. I never would have thought I was the type to manage my own business, but currently as I try to make my way as a craft artist, I can't imagine being satisfied with anything else. I love the independence and I love that I don't have to be responsible for anyone but myself, although I've worked well in many jobs and will most likely have to continue to do so to supplement my income, I find that I'm much more content working for myself, even if it means more effort on my part.
I also have a characteristically Scorpio fixation with impermanence which has certainly influenced and been influenced by my spirituality. I practice Buddhism primarily in the Tibetan traditions. I named my shop Empty Knits after the Buddhist concept that all beings and phenomena are empty or lacking of a separate existence or in other words, all things are interdependent. My knitting is a significant part of my practice because it works for me like meditation and brings me closer to the point of awareness, understanding and limitless compassion - it's an exercise in interdependence. When I knit, I'm aware of my connection to everything that has brought me to that point - my own history as a craft artist, the generations of knitters in my family, the wool and bamboo that are enabling me to create something new and where my work will go once it's finished. I knit a lot for charity; Afghans for Afghans and Mother Bear Project are two of my favorites. There's nothing quite like knowing that the sock that appears in my hands is going to warm a child on the other side of the world, it's truly magical.
Donna Shanahan
Dothan, Alabama, USA.
Shop: WhimsForgottenSouls.etsy.com
I am a Scorpio born on October 28th. Scorpios are known to be passionate, jealous by nature, deep thinkers, revengeful dreamers, born leaders and creative spirits and I believe my art reflects both my positive and negative Scorpionic traits.
I am most definitely a dreamer with a love of fantasy and far away places. I love to create new things and can always find something new within objects that have been pushed to the side. I want to make them useful again or at least make them stand out above the rest.
I am very in touch with my spiritual side and see the soul in all things - a soul that may be hidden away just wanting to surface. To me vintage items all have a past, some having survived for decades and their vibes draw me to them.
Vintage dolls are my favorite. I look at a vintage doll that is not in the best of shape and I can see that it was well loved at one time. Some dolls have missing hair and some have glazed over eyes. My Scorpionic nature helps me take these lost forgotten souls and make them into something new that stands out again. I look at them with my minds eye and go from there. The eyes are important in a forgotten soul's creation so I give them glowing eyes to show the spirit within from days gone by.
I have always loved dolls. They are a reflection of my childhood and the childlike spirit within me. Being born so close to Halloween I also love the darker side of fantasy. Some of my creations can even be morbid, but I work with both the realms of light and of dark - you can't have one without the other. Just as a Scorpio can be jealous and revengeful they can also be loving and passionate.
Creating my Forgotten Soul Dolls is such an inspiration to my everyday life, it's my release and my form of expression. To some it may seem a little crazed or wild but that is the part I love. I do not like being normal, that doesn't inspire me at all.
Shop: dancinggrasshopper.etsy.com
I’ve been told, beginning around the age of ten, that I was a very old soul. You can’t get more Scorpio than those wise words. Those comments and kind gestures have always ignited my imagination and determination to simply follow my intuition since it knew the way.
From those passions and deeply rooted desires a real love and respect for all things natural came to be. Give me some lovely herbs, oils, stones or a few pretty feathers and beauty will emerge. Each creation and craft is my own personal phoenix and nurtured from the beginning to the end.
Nag Champa Soy Candle
Not long ago I dreamt of an eagle. Its massive hand-like talons opened up my window to come in and for a moment I was fearful, but then I realized that this is what I’ve been waiting for - my team was complete: the scorpion, phoenix and massive dreamy eagle friend. Together we can make this world a better place, one bar of soap at a time.
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