An interview with Cappy Sue for her blog.
Cappy Sue: When did you first realize you had some abilities others did not?
I am going to refer to my psychic-medium abilities in response to this question. My first really big moment of ealization came when I stood up in a mediumship development circle I had just joined and made an instant connection with someone who had passed over. I immediately sensed and saw images of what they looked like, where they lived, what they were like, who they were around, stuff like that. That really blew my mind because I had never before witnessed mediumship or knew what to expect at all! It was quite exhilarating and fascinating and I've been hooked ever since on connecting with the spirit world!
When did you realize these intuitive/psychic abilities were a part of your art work?
My psychic-medium abilities were definitely enhanced by my work as a professional artist since

1993. Being an artist is similar in a way to being a psychic because both skills can allow one to access other worlds. Being a psychic and being an artist require deep concentration and focus to the point of obsession and allow one to connect with other realms and beings. So it wasn't that much of a leap to turn my art work (which is often created in series) into four decks of oracle cards that I use for my psychic readings. I was also guided by a dream to turn my Lefty artwork (a series of over 500 drawings created over a period of five years with my non dominant left hand) into cards that I was to use for online readings exclusively . The day after I received that dream was when I started offering readings on Etsy and I haven't stopped since!
I've also gone on to create this blog and website as well. Currently I work with a Lefty Oracle deck, a Goddess Zodiac deck, a Fairy Herbal Healing deck and a Celtic Tree Oracle deck. They don't follow any system such as a tarot deck does, but instead serve to emphasize and expand upon a psychic reading in a visual, healing and informative way.
All the decks, except for the Lefty deck come with written information explaining the meaning behind the card ie. herbal healing, zodiac, goddess and Celtic druidic wisdom. There are always clues in the information that can guide one to enhance their reading and to work with it on their own to bring about inspiration, healing or shifts in energy that will hopefully encourage the client to move forward and make changes in their life or in their habitual responses and patterns.
What is your favorite part of creating the art work?

I love to be in the moment - painting is all about expressively, emotionally and passionately connecting with heart energy. I love the feeling of going deeply into all kinds of emotions; difficult, painful, joyous and ecstatic ones - they are all expressions of who we are as human beings. I paint so that I can bring forth these feelings into the world in a healthy and almost cathartic process.
Recent paintings in progress are here on my instagram: kathycrabbeart. Learn more about my work as a psychic-medium and soul reader here: http://KathyCrabbe.com/About
Learn more about my Art Mission here.