The Diamond Path: New Moon in Pisces

Welcome to The Kosmic Mind Astrology Column written by Guest Astrologer Chad Woodward. Chad is an astrological researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist PLUS a good friend of mine who I highly respect for his ongoing and unique explorations into the awesome potential of astrology and how it effects us on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level. The Diamond Path

New Moon In Pisces March 04, 2011 @ 12:47:02 PM PST 13 degrees Pisces 56'

"The path to clarity is through the assimilation of complexity."

New Moon's Agenda: To strengthen one's immunity and to shield oneself, physically, emotionally, psychically, or spiritually. To gain deeper clarity within the psyche, removing any distortions inhibiting clear and direct intentions. To surrender attachment to our shadow, or our blockages, and to gain more awareness of our stumbling blocks so that we can embrace, love, and transmute them into powerful gifts for the world. To dig past superficiality to the real and authentic truth within.

As we set our intentions this new moon, CLARITY and AWARENESS, are of utmost importance. What do YOU want to create in your life? What kind of world do YOU want to see surrounding you? Setting intentions can be a powerful experience, especially when you're in synch with the cosmos. This new moon, if you don't already, try sitting down with yourself in a calm and relaxing space, free of distractions, and experiment writing out your intentions in a very clear and concise way. As you write them, visualize each intention and feel it in your heart center, feel the joy and bliss of manifesting your intention as if it is happening at that moment, right before your eyes. Get creative with it, use colored pens or pencils, or even draw pictures or make a collage, allow the experience to be fun- but remain conscious and focused-maintain a state of balance between ecstatic enthusiasm and pensiveness. When you're finished go over the list once more, visualize all the things you wrote down, feel them in your heart center, and as you read them, imagine them being sent directly to the moon, allow her to receive them and then thank her. Give thanks for all the blessings in your life, and take some time to imagine all that you're truly grateful for. Then put it away! You could fold it up and place it on an alter, you could burn it in your own ceremony, or you could put it under your pillow and forget all about it. Within two weeks, at the proceeding full moon, take a look at what has manifested, or not. Some intentions take several lunar cycles to manifest, some don't-it all comes down to what you THINK is possible. The more you practice at each new moon, the easier and the more powerful it will be. And just remember, how can the universe give you what you want if you don't ask for it? How can we create a new life, or even a new world, if we aren't clear about what we want it to look like?

It's very easy to find what's wrong with the world, and to realize what we don't want-the media bombards us with THAT every day. At this point, in the western world a least, we are all well aware of all the problems and dysfunctions that plague our reality- but the challenge comes in what to do about it, how to turn awareness into applicable solutions. We hear a lot about the current 'shift' in consciousness amplifying co-creation; the ability to gather with like minds and manifest together. One has to wonder however, is this 'co-creation' really something new? Haven't we been co-creating all along? The truth is that we have, but unfortunately, we've been creating a reality that's pre-made, handed to us by someone else, neatly packaged and sold to all who are convinced it's the cream of the crop. The 'awakening' the world is now experiencing is simply the awareness of this reality, the acceptance and realization that we've been duped. By who you may wonder? Well, that's a rather long story, one long and esoteric story which is well beyond the scope of this article- but the truth is, in the end, we've only fooled ourselves, and if we really want to point the blame we have to only look in the mirror. The 'powers that be', if you want to get Jungian about it, are simply projections of our own unconscious wounds, that part of ourselves we refuse to accept as us. All the demons that fill our dreamscape, all the terrorists, bankers, globalists, or bloodthirsty inter-dimensional reptilian extraterrestrials[1], we've created, collectively, because we've chosen fear over love. Humanity is at a threshold, we are now ready to fully understand love, and not just in the highly limited way we experience it in this dimension, but in the sense of Agape, which is cosmic love, the love pouring down through the higher dimensional spheres espoused by the more evolved echelons of consciousness. The love we experience, it is said, is merely the tail end of an experience so profound and so immense, no words could possibly describe it. How good does that sound? Sounds good to me, and I don't know about you, but I'm tired of creating the same thing-I'm ready to do something else, and I have a feeling you probably are to. The great news is that we aren't alone in this, the universe is on OUR side, we just have to make the choice, and it starts with YOU! It starts with getting clear, getting clear about yourself and your intentions. Who are you? What do YOU want? It's not about what everyone else wants, you know all about that, it's about what you want, what you REALLY want! Have I made my point yet? This new moon has the potential to be very revealing, possibly showing us what we don't want to see, but I suggest you look at it no matter what. Don't judge it, and don't run from it, just allow it to be, allow yourself to accept it, and then let it go! Whatever comes up for you at this time needs to be cleared, it needs you to let it go so it can be free and continue its OWN journey as well.

At the time of the new moon there will be a powerful cluster, or stellium, of planets in Pisces, and some teetering on the edge. This 'teetering' occurs when a planet is coming to the end of a sign, to the last degrees which are also called anaretic degrees. Neptune will be at 28 degrees of Aquarius, just at the cusp of Pisces, and Uranus will be at the 29th degree of Pisces just at the cusp of Aries. The anaretic degrees have a powerful effect, especially when outer planets converge there by transit. This indicates that powerful breakthroughs in consciousness are about to take place, something is about to explode! On March 11 Uranus will enter Aries, where it will stay until 2019! This event in itself is very significant, as it signals the beginning of an entirely new cycle of Uranus through the zodiac, it signals the rebirth of the Promethean principle within consciousness-and a powerful renaissance is possible! This will be proceeded by a complete revolution technologically as well as socially, our world is bound to change very quickly! Aries symbolizes the power of the individual, and so the 'technology' and secrets of the gods, the powers of the higher beings, are to be handed down to the common man for all to share. This threshold symbolizes that no longer will such power be hidden (in Pisces) but will be revealed to all who are ready to receive it. Further amplifying this omen is Uranus' seven squares to Pluto in Capricorn which will take place from 2012 to 2015, which will once again flood the collective psyche with the archetypes created during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction of the late 1960's.

Neptune, the ruler of this new moon, sits in conjunction to Chiron, forming the 'rainbow bridge'[2], which is an active portal that has been cracked open by the Super Full Moon in Leo that occurred on February 18th. This conjunction sits in direct opposition to the mysterious, allusive, and 'hypothetical' planet Transpluto [3] which currently sits at the 29th degree of Leo. This powerful, and yet, ambiguous energy, with the influence of Neptune, and the nature of a hypothetical planetary body, shows us that unseen forces are currently flooding our reality. The lines between what's "real" and what's not are beginning to blur, the world is going to become a very strange but interesting place to be. The opposition itself is urging each of us to see past illusions, deceptions, and distortions that have hindered our free will, severely limiting our range of awareness and thus our range of action. It is now time for all of us to get clear about what we've been 'programmed' to create, and to replace it with creating what comes directly from our heart centers as opposed to our minds. This is not a matter of sitting down and thinking about what you want, but rather FEELING it, reaching down deep and finding that volcano of joy, bliss, and curiosity many have only known as children. We are each being given the opportunity for more self-sufficiency, we are being freed from our shackles-so lets embrace the opportunity and step into our power together.

Jupiter and Pluto are currently squaring off in the heavens as well, amplifying expansion, enthusiasm, and deep philosophical or metaphysical thought-and on the flip side, expanding the darker dimensions of our psyches, our shadows, our wounds, and our unloved aspects, all reaching out for our acknowledgment and love. This energy is something to be conscious of, because if not you could get carried away with it. On one end you may find yourself filled with much excitement and enthusiasm over a new idea, or a new opportunity, something that seems almost too good to be true. The reality of the situation will vary for each of us, but the point here is to remain calm and just allow yourself to enjoy all the ideas and speculation, but it would be wise to consider it carefully before jumping on board right away. This is definitely a time for awareness and for creating visions, but immediate action is a different story. If you feel pressured to do something, don't give in right away, just let it be-odds are it will unfold without much need for immediate effort on your part either way. On the other side, this powerful energy has the potential to really let us dig deep, to get right to the bottom line, so follow the white rabbit wherever he may lead you now.

On March 3, the day before the new Moon, the Lunar Nodes switch from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius until August of 2012. This creates a subtle, yet powerful shift in our collective direction, urging us to let go of overt rationalization, to stop dwelling on complexities and petty facts, and get straight to the point. This powerful shift will impulse each of us to go deeper within ourselves, to listen to our inner guidance, and to rely less on detailed information given to us from external sources. This is a time to gain a greater perspective of what's going on, to see the bigger picture, and to reach out towards foreign avenues of life experience. Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, ties in the square to Pluto in Capricorn with the nodal symbolism, directing our attention to this powerful aspect. In synthesis, these connections indicate that if we feel pressured in a certain direction by some external force (Pluto in Capricorn), we are merely being impelled so that we try an entirely new and different, or innovative, direction-to take our own path by following inner guidance and vision. This is what it is all about! Instead of sitting in front of the television, numbing out from the limiting repetition of refurbished OLD ideas and visions-get your OWN vision! The world is NOT running out of 'good' ideas, we've just been looking in the completely wrong places for FAR too long. If it isn't apparent to you yet, the system isn't going to give us anything new, it's simply going to superficially enhance stale and prosaic templates. And so, the best choice is to simply laugh at it all, and then look into another direction, there are infinite paths for us to choose from! We just haven't been 'told' about them by our TELL-A-VISION. Allow something fresh and new to enter your reality at this time, be open to change, and above all else, don't resist the flow.

Confronting The Shadow

Our lives are filled with shifts and transitions, in fact, every moment is a shift from the proceeding one. Nature provides us with the experience of a seamless flow from one experience to the next, but in reality, we are constantly being prepared in the moment for what's to come. We experience this often as intuition, or psychic vision, but we're really just picking up nature's next intention-the next shift is preparing us in the moment. If only we could listen carefully to the subtleties of our own bodies and minds, and just go with the flow, as opposed to resisting these transitions with our own ideas of how things should turn out, or what the next step will look like. Every new experience necessitates that we have fully integrated and processed the previous one, so that stagnate energies can be transmuted into functional and applicable constructs. These 'stagnate' energies, or unused, or 'unloved' constructs bide for our attention, and we perceive them as our shadow-our blind spots-which are quite simply programs within the psyche we have yet to shed the light of consciousness upon, and so they run unconsciously outside of normal awareness. These unconscious programs constantly seek our acknowledgment of them-and so they do whatever is possible to get our attention.

From the perspective of our collective mythic narrative we call 'the ascension', humanity is at the brink of a dimensional shift. This is a shift out of density, out of a lower vibrational dimension and into a higher and more finely tuned dimension. Our world is being flooded with higher dimensional light, and this light is exposing the darker elements, the shadow material that has been left over from our previous state. This shadow material must be integrated until we can fully step into the next experience, and so as more and more light penetrates the darkness and density, the more seemingly 'negative' or 'darker' elements we are bound to confront. Each of us individually must process our own shadow material, and humanity as a whole must process its collective shadow which each of us creates together. From the astrological perspective, we are in the midst of this clearing-the amplification of our shadow-which appears to be a completely autonomous entity separate from us, but only because we have refused to love it and accept it. To gain more clarity, we must first address that which we are unconscious of-otherwise these blind spots will seek to trip us up whenever there is a chance. In truth, the more unconscious we are, the less free will we have. It is said, rather esoterically, that free will only exists through the use of 'magic' and 'divination'. Magic is simply the art of directed and focused intention, and you don't need the help of Mr. Crowley for that one. Divination literally means "to be inspired by god", and inspire is simply to "light within", or to bring the light of god within oneself. I would personally translate that as simply to shed light on something that was previously hidden, our shadow! So divination need not be an elaborate system such as astrology or even tarot, it is simply the ability to shed light on what is hidden, to bring consciousness to something that is unconscious. Of course we have tools such as astrology to expedite this process, but there are many paths to divination-years of study and practice are not required.

If humanity is to have true free will it must first acknowledge its shadow, it must first shed light on all the darkness, all the programs that seemingly control us. It must then direct its own intentions, focus on its own visions and then create them! The universe is now assisting us in gaining clarity, seeing through the darkness with razor sharp vision so that we can shed light on all that was previously hidden. We must not judge the darkness, and we must not deny that darkness as us, for we must learn to love and embrace it, in all its truth and authenticity. It can often be difficult to see our shadow, since it's always behind us, and our best mirrors are often our relationships. The people in our lives reflect our shadow quite often, and so at this time keep your awareness keen, and be open and receptive to the signals coming from others-they are your greatest teachers.

Full Moon In Virgo

This new moon will culminate in the last of six anaretic full moons on March 19, the closing of one cycle I previously outlined in my article Cracking The Cosmic Egg: Lunar Eclipse Synchronicity and the Crisis In Consciousness. When one cycle closes, however, another one is just beginning. This full moon will be the second of 6 super full moons, when the moon is closest to earth, amplifying it's influence exponentially-heightening our subtle perceptions and magnifying the earth's energetic influence. Interestingly, on March 8, the 'Universal Underworld' begins, the final stage of the mayan calendar before its end date in either the fall of this year or winter solstice of 2012 [4]. These are intriguing synchroncities indeed-alerting us to a powerful shift occurring within the collective experience. Of further interest is the Full Moon's occurrence on the day before Spring Equinox, with the Sun conjunct Uranus sitting directly on the Aries Point! The Aries Point is one of the most powerful and significant placements in astrology, as it is the very beginning of the zodiac, the divine spark of consciousness, the flame driving the psyche to deeper and more expanded awareness and evolution. This is quite a revolutionary energy, bringing with the omen of a new dawn, a new horizon from which a grand new vision for the world can be created. The most revealing and intriguing aspect of all, are the sabian symbols for the positions of the sun and moon.

For the Sun at 29 degrees of Pisces:

Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.

For the Moon at 29 degrees of Virgo:

A seeker after occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind.

The symbols are extremely revealing, and seemingly work together through polarity. The Sun, at the Aries point, conjunct Uranus, is receiving the 'fire' from Prometheus (Uranus), the flame, as symbolized as light, which is disseminating into its many and multivalent manifestations. This light is then literally reflected off the Moon, and illuminating the minds of all who seek the 'occult' or hidden knowledge within. These beautiful symbols further confirm that light is penetrating our dimension, and it is exposing all the shadows and unconscious constructs lying just beneath the surface. To quote once more, as I did in a previous article, Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this full moon's symbol, excerpted from his infamous book, An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases.

KEYNOTE: After a crisis one should seek to realign the renewed consciousness with the primordial Revelations of the Truth of Man.

Any revolutionary movement, once it has succeeded in overcoming the inertia of the past and in toppling obsolete structures, needs to tap the most essential realities of what Man represents and signifies in the universal Order; or else it merely reembodies in a superficially altered manner the very things it has destroyed. This is the crucial moment. In occultism the "Pattern of Man" is an archetypal Power that may be contacted. It must be sought with undeviating determination. After each revolutionary crisis this Pattern and this Power can be contacted-always the same, yet at each new cycle perceivable in a different light.

This fourth stage symbol presents us with the technique required to "reach the other shore". But each individual, and each group or racial unit, must come in its own way to the ROOT KNOWLEDGE which provides the only safe foundation for a rebirth.

Stay tuned for my next article which will disseminate the energies of the Spring Equinox shortly. I end with a clip from 2010: The Year We Make Contact, the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is a pertinent modern mythos for us at this time, as well as the years chosen for the titles being prophetic and uncannily significant for U.S. history. Movies are our collective dreams, and our modern mythologies, and they deeply reflect the under currents of our collective psyche.

Notes & References

[1] See, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth And Everything Else Is Illusion by David Icke. [2] The Rainbow Bridge is an esoteric symbol dealing with the bridging of the physical body with the higher dimensional bodies, or the full activation of one's spiritual potential. In a more literal way, according to our current mythic narrative, the rainbow bridge mythos tells of a bridge linking the astral dimension through the Sun which is a portal to the Sirius star system. It is said that the astral dimension, which is created by the orbit of the Moon, holds discarnate souls on earth who have yet to "cross over". Currently there are many souls who are stuck or trapped due their attachment to density. As the earth matrix begins vibrating at a higher frequency, due to the ascension process, these souls who hold too much density cannot stay in the earth's collective field during the next several thousand years. It is believed that this bridge, the rainbow bridge, will assist these souls in relocating to another star system, possibly the 'binary' (possibly trinary) star system of Sirius. [3] For further reading on Transpluto I highly suggest the article by astrologer Lynn Koiner titled, Transpluto Is Real! which can be found here: [4] For further study on the Mayan calendar I highly suggest Carl Johan Calleman's website,


Image 1: The Diamond Path by Rob Shouten Image 2: Despair by Alex Grey

chad woodward astrologerChad Woodward's Bio Kosmic Mind Blog

Ever since I was young I found myself fascinated and mesmerized by the night sky, gazing up at its brilliance and immensity in awe. Somehow, this innate part of myself was looking for omens in that very sky, completely unaware of the vivid and profound art known as astrology, which has graced this planet for thousands of years. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I discovered the real horoscopic astrology that, from that point forward, would change and shape my life in ways I would have never imagined. It was truly love at first sight, a love that has only increased in its intensity ever since. Life with astrology is truly an adventure, as it unveils the magic of destiny, which has been sadly lost to our world for far too long.

My goal, as the late Joseph Campbell so eloquently stated, is to simply follow my bliss. Astrology is a guide to the unfolding of self and of the cosmos itself. It is in the proper application of this guide, that we as humans, can learn to no longer be an obstacle to the brilliance and intelligence of this cosmic unfolding. Currently, I am simply a researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist doing my part in the ascension of the planet. I hope to share the joy and bliss that astrology can provide, as we learn to dance and flow in synchronicity with this great and mysterious divine plan.

The Road to Awe

Welcome to The Kosmic Mind Astrology Column written by Guest Astrologer Chad Woodward. Chad is an astrological researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist PLUS a good friend of mine who I highly respect for his ongoing and unique explorations into the awesome potential of astrology and how it effects us on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level. road to aweThe Road to Awe by Chad Woodward, Astrologer New Moon February 02, 2011 @ 6:30:52 PM PST @ 13 degrees of Aquarius

New Moon's Agenda: To manifest the power of the will consciously through co-creation to make dramatic and creative new forms in the world. To take ownership and responsibility of our role as co-creators of our world, and to take steps toward standing our ground and facing up to our fears. The energy of rapid acceleration is present, indicating the potential for breakthroughs and great leaps in evolution. Keyword: PENETRATION

New Moon's offer us the opportunity to become powerful co-creators, as each month when the Sun and Moon conjoin a portal opens, a portal through which intention is magnified exponentially. In other words, the few days surrounding the new moon, as well as the day itself, are highly charged with an energy that amplifies human thought and thus intention. This new moon is rather special, as it will culminate within a Full Moon (also the first of 6 Super Moons!) in Leo at the anaretic degree, the 29th degree, which makes it the last of 5 full Moons to occur at the 29th degree of the lower signs of the zodiac. In my previous article I outlined a process that was occurring within the collective psyche involving these Full Moons in synthesis with an intriguing Lunar Eclipse synchronicity. I have been heavily intuiting a definite shift in the collective field, as it seems the human species is now being activated by a powerful new template for consciousness itself. For me this was very exciting, but unfortunately for some, this activation has been rather difficult and arduous to endure. The symbolism of the lower signs can be compared to the symbolism of the "lower" and "physical" aspects of conscious perception, and thus would correlate directly to the biological human organism as well as the machines and tools we create which mimic natural organisms. When I first noticed the anaretic full moons I immediately had a vision of powerful energy streams penetrating the biosphere of the earth and the human body. I saw these streams entering through the crown chakra and down through each chakra of the body, forcing energetic blockages to be released or manifested to be dealt with. In that moment I intuited that this was a time to heal, to ground, and to get totally in our bodies, and I felt that this would be a preparation for other processes in the future that would be extremely ungrounding for many.

Since the beginning of these Full Moons my life has experienced many shifts, as certain people, places, and things around me have begun to die. I have witnessed the death of my Grandfather, who had battled an auto-immune disease for several years, and his condition accelerated for the worst just one day after the Lunar Eclipse on Winter Solstice, and he died about two weeks later. Prior to this, on Thanksgiving day, I got into a pretty bad accident that totaled my car, just days after the Full Moon at the 29th degree of Taurus in my third house(house of communication and transportation)! Shortly after this, and in complete synchronicity with the same Lunar Eclipse that had correlated with my grandfather dying, the school I was attending had to close its doors due to financial troubles that had been accumulating for several years.

At this moment as I write this, my Aunt is currently dying of a very bad case of Influenza-A or "Swine Flu" as it is called. Of course, I did have the Lunar Eclipse on December 21st exactly conjoined with Mercury in my horoscope at the 29th degree of Gemini. Mercury is the archetype of communication and travel (my car), and in addition Mercury rules my fourth house (death in the family), the house which governs home and family. I was very personally effected by this process, which is also clearly illustrated by my inspiration to write about all this (mercury, third house). Now you might think that this seems like a pretty bad string of "unfortunate" events, but I certainly don't see it that way.

In our dimension death "appears" to be the end, but this is certainly not true. All death is simply a transition to another state of being, as energy (which we are) can neither be created nor destroyed....everything is and always will be. For me, death is a road to another experience, another chapter of the soul's journey through the matrix of the divine mind. I had felt my grandfather would soon die, because even though allopathic medicine had tried its best to keep him out of pain, he had died a long time ago, and the drugs simply kept his soul from leaving. It was as if he wasn't quite in his body, and a piece of him was elsewhere. I experienced this phenomena a few years ago when another Aunt died of cancer, she had been battling the disease for several years....but within a year after an experimental surgery, she passed away. Immediately after the surgery I noticed a strange shift in her, something that others had noticed as well. Even though she was quite clearly alive, she wasn't completely in her body, as she appeared spacey and "angelic".

At the time, I was offering astrology readings (rather prematurely and naively I'll admit) at a local new age store, and one day as I was sitting in the store, a psychic who worked there, asked me an interesting question. She said, "Do you know someone named Mary Anne?" I replied, "Why yes, she's my Aunt". She asked me if she was sick, and I told her that she had cancer. She proceeded to tell me that she was about to cross over, and that apart of her was already in the astral dimension. This meant that her higher self, or higher dimensional aspect of being, was ready to depart from this life and the process had begun. Aside from my reservations against unasked for psychic advice, she helped to confirm my intuitions about what I was seeing, that even though modern medical science can keep us "alive" and subdue the pain of disease, it can't stop the inevitable which we all must face in the end, and it can't stop the natural (or supernatural) processes which permeate our reality. She died less than a year later. The reason I bring all this up, is to shed light on what disease is, and why we as humans manifest it.


From the modern medical view, disease is an enemy with which humanity must fight against with its tools and technology. When we get sick, our first response is to fight get rid of it....and to perceive it as an invasion. From the holistic perspective, which has predominated the earth for THOUSANDS of years before modern allopathic medicine; disease is the manifestation of trauma which resides in the body and mind. Trauma is the result of stress on the organism, stress that can't be coped with or processed in the moment, and thus damages or imprints itself within the psyche. We have many bodies aside from the physical and perceivable one we know well, and trauma first resides in our higher dimensional bodies BEFORE it "manifests" or becomes a disease or an imbalance within the third dimension, or the physical body. This means that we have an opportunity to clear trauma or blockages before they become disease, and there are many gifted psychics and intuitives who can actually see disease in the aura. This subject is rather vast and is really beyond the scope of this article, but my point here is to address this because I believe we are at a transition stage where humans cannot go on as a deeply traumatized species. Our dysfunctions, which we have been conditioned to believe are normal, are now effecting the earth herself and her other inhabitants, as we are in the midst of a massive ecological as well as social genocide. This penetrating energy that has arrived within the biosphere of the earth is not ill intended as it might appear to be on the outside, it is simply assisting us in clearing what doesn't really belong to us in the first place. Our trauma was inflicted upon us, often by very well meaning parents or other authorities during our early development. Other trauma may have been inflicted by less than well meaning individuals, or even from an accident of some kind. The point is that, aside from whether it is our "karma" to receive such trauma in the first place, in the moment....our pain and our suffering is not ours, it was given to us. You may now ask the question, "Who would want to hold on to such pain and suffering then?". The answer is quite simple, because it's all we know and it's actually comfortable. Aside from the progressively popular "holistic" movement we are seeing develop, most people don't actually want to heal, and even though they would rather not suffer, they don't want to take the time or do the work to heal themselves. In our modern era, when we get sick, we go to a doctor so that they can "fix" us. In our culture we are conditioned to not take responsibility for our own bodies, minds, and sadly...even our souls. This mentality is still prevalent and is often applied when approaching many holistic treatments, and they will always fail when approached this way.

Humanity has been living in a seemingly dark age, an age of complete and utter unconsciousness and codependency. We give our bodies and minds freely, and into the hands of "experts", "priests", and yes, even "scientists" who claim to be able to cure our ills and woes. Sadly, the cure usually fails, and along with emptying our bank accounts and poisoning our livers, these doctors or experts merely "relieve" or delay death and suffering....but we are not cured, saved, nor even usually better off. This same pattern occurs in holistic and homeopathic treatments quite often when they are applied improperly, and most likely from the predominately left brain perception of an inept practitioner. This presents us with the paradox of the frog in the well, who believes there can be nothing more beyond it, or the penguins on the ice berg in delusion of their omnipotence. Individuals conditioned within a predominately left brained society would find it difficult to perceive from the right, and thus not truly understanding how right brained modalities are properly applied, which should be from a grounded and somatic vibration as opposed to a mental and intellectual approach.

I'm not against modern medicine or its technology, I believe its extremely beneficial and RELIEVES a lot of suffering, it definitely has its time and place, and I personally use it when I need to- but the reality is that our world is not one sided, it is a dichotomy. When we approach something entirely from one side of the spectrum we create imbalance, and we are not experiencing consciousness to its full potential. Science has now confirmed that the human brain is made up of primarily two hemispheres, left and right. The left side is our masculine, logical, and linear aspect, and the right our feminine, intuitive, and cyclical aspect. Modern science is an invention of the left side of the brain, and thus it is incomplete as an entirely universal mode of healing for the human species. It presents us with the paradox of the mind perceiving itself, from within the distorted perception of its self aggrandized delusion. As I attempted to address in my previous article, we are in the midst of a bridging back to the other side of the brain- back to our feminine, receptive, creative, psychic, and numinous being. I believe, at this moment, we are at the threshold of this shift....and at this point there will be no going back. It has been suggested that the discovery of the planetoid Chiron, unveiled the program for the integration of holistic/homeopathic (feminine/passive/yin) and modern/allopathic (masculine/active/yang) medicine. This program is revealed in Chiron's transit cycle around the Sun, and ever since its discovery (in 1975), it heralds the progressive assimilation of the coined "new age" modalities and ideology, and integration of holistic and modern medicine into the western psyche, which will theoretically culminate (flower) in the year 2024 during its first opposition.


This new archetype was birthed in the shadow, the wake, of the massive social conditioning program known as the "60's" or the "hippie era" which coincided with the first conjunction of the planets Uranus and Pluto since their "discovery" by astronomers. The social renaissance of the 60's, which I briefly outlined in my previous post, was the seeding phase of a roughly 80 year cycle we are currently in the midst of. The goal of the program was to shatter the western psyche, and to reawaken the Promethean and Dionysian archetypes which have been greatly lost since ancient times. This era has worked to shake up the sleeping populace, and to create an irreversible imprint upon society that would have the effect of slowly changing the entire infrastructure of our culture[1]. The next phase of this cycle is building up, and will reach several peaks from 2012 to 2015, which will also greatly amplify the Chirotic[2] process we are currently enduring. So, really, the human species is not truly awakening to something entirely new, it is really just remembering what it is like to be a functional human being, unearthing its deeply innate potential that was always there to begin with before it was conditioned out of us by ruling powers and elitists. Humanity is at a point of needing to heal, or needing to transmute the trauma that has been afflicted upon it. This energy is really about a very basic choice we must each make in this new era, do we choose death or do we choose life? Do we choose fear or do we choose bliss? Do we take responsiblity for our own minds, bodies, and souls....or do we stay in a state of unconscious indifference?

Fear is simply a veil to the truth of infinite bliss....

Conversely, I have noticed another aspect of this energetic process, one that is extremely exciting. I have felt an activation or awakening of potential within myself, and I have noticed it in others as well. It is as if we currently find ourselves at an intriguing crossroads, where particular blockages we once found difficult to move through, have suddenly vanished or have become much easier to handle. It seems many are being given the opportunity to fully step into their power, to their talents and abilities, and face their fears head on. Look to your life, and see where this may be true, you'll probably be quite surprised. This I feel is really the true intention of this activation, to push the human race to its limits and fully take on who they truly are. If disease manifests, or if a certain blockage arises within your consciousness, I would invite you to not judge it or label it an enemy, but rather see this trauma as a teacher who brings you a very special and personalized lesson.

Healing our trauma is really a matter of activating the positive polarity of the archetype of Mars. Over the past several thousand years, humanity has lived primarily within bounds of an imbalanced patriarchy. In astrology, the order of the planets from the Sun (from a geocentric perspective, which means Earth Centered), displays an archetypal process of evolution for the human psyche, and as a whole, represents the individualized consciousness of perception. In other words, it's a map of the psyche, and this map is ever changing and evolving through time. The Sun is the center, it is the spark of consciousness, and it governs the visual spectrum of the visible world around us. The Moon is the counterpart, the hidden and receptive realm of the unconscious, and governs the relatively unseen and yet emotionally tangible realm of the human psyche. Mercury is the synthesis of the first two and primordial archetypes of male and female, yin and yang, as it relates to the formation of the mind and the central nervous system within the body, as a direct manifestation of two diametrically opposed and yet cooperating principles. Here we see where the first principle of duality manifests within the psyche, as Mercury is the ruler of Gemini- the archetype of the twins which stems from the Greek myth of Castor and Pollux, which is likely a later patronized interpretation of a pair of male and female twins that represented the mind itself and its two distinctly individualized hemispheres (the word Hermaphrodite etymologically stems from the clever synthesis of Hermes and Aphrodite). Venus becomes the first encounter of the subjective self with a process of immediate socialization, as a direct result of the mind and its configuration of the world into duality, of light and dark. Venus rules the formation of identity, and its attachment to the objects, people, and ideas from which the mind creates via thought. This identity must then be projected, and presented through action and implementation, and this is the role of Mars. The archetypes of Venus and Mars represents the physical manifestation of the psychic and transdimensional principles of Sun and Moon into the perceivable matrix of the third dimension, as constructed through the Mind (mercury). Mars has the role of defending the psyche from the forces of the greater society, which is represented by the planets Jupiter and beyond. Mars is essentially our defense against trauma, and could be related to our physical/emotional/mental/as well as psychic immunity. Mars protects the female principle, Venus, which is our identity, from outside influences but also filters them based on evolutionary necessity.

Mars penetrates Venus, and seeds the psyche with the knowledge of the higher dimensional spheres, the planets beyond the individualized consciousness. Conversely, Mars penetrates the outer world with the seed of the individual as to take part in the grand co-creative act of the universe. An imbalanced Mars will defend until the death, and will fight all invaders from entry as it perceives them as the enemy which must be destroyed. In balance, Mars is simply the principle of standing one's own ground, of OWNING and taking charge of one's OWN psyche. Nature respects authoritative love, but not mindless aggression. When encountered with a threat, Mars will stand up to it because it has claimed ownership of its self. In imbalance, when something has been taken away, such as the true essence of the masculine, it fights as a means of psychological compensation because of fear, it is defending its opposed to truly standing up to it. Nothing can control us if we allow it to, only if we give up ownership of ourselves and our society does it become invaded by external forces. The higher aspect of Mars is complete consciousness in the moment, complete readiness and preparation. When Mars is unconscious, he has let his guard down, and intruders will eventually get through.

This new Moon conjoins Mars in Aquarius, the sign of the collective will, the future, and community. Mars, as an active principle, represents the fully CONSCIOUS will, the ability to take charge of one's destiny to make things happen. This process is effective only with the highest awareness, for true free will only exists when one is conscious in the moment....otherwise we're being dragged along by unconscious programs completely beyond our awareness, and we only THINK we have free will. On the other side of this new Moon lies Ceres, the goddess of nurtrance and mothering. Here we see a process that is seemingly tempering Mars, fusing it with compassion and feminine awareness. As we set our intentions for this new Moon, it would seem the energy is very ripe for powerful co-creation with a group or with a community, and activating the power of the collective will. Now is the time to set intentions based on truly stepping into one's power to effect the greater society. It seems that the portal of this New Moon is inviting us to accelerate our evolution in various ways, to speed up the process through the conscious application of will. The new moon also makes a trine to Saturn in Libra, indicating that whatever we decide to manifest will have the potential to truly crystallize and become real and tangible in our world. The Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, both sit on either side of the powerful vernal point, or spring equinox point, the flame which drives consciousness toward higher evolution and awareness. This is indeed an exciting time to be alive! Setting powerful and far reaching intentions on this new moon is highly important, and it will culminate during the final full moon to occur at the 29th degree of a sign, and also the first of 6 Super Moons, which greatly magnify its influence.

At the time of the Super Full Moon on February 18, the Sun will be at the exact midpoint of Chiron and Neptune, the current portal to the numinous and multidimensional, and the full Moon will be opposing it. Again, Mars will join the conjunction, emphasizing once more the importance of fully integrating the healthy and balanced male archetype into our psyche. This has the potential to be a highly spiritual and mysterious time for the planet, as many interesting energies seem to be penetrating into our world through active portals. Embrace your potential and innate humanity, and let go of what no longer serves you at this juncture. Whatever dies, or whatever malfunctions, is in dire need of transmutation, and all stagnation needs to be progressively eliminated for evolution to continue on its current path. There is such beauty beyond the veil of fear and death. Do not fear death, and do not fear transformation, for each is the road to greater awareness, the road to awe....

Notes and References:

[1] So effective were the movements of the 1960's, that the US government even commissioned a study titled Changing Images of Man, in which it concluded that: "There are increasingly evident signs of the imminent emergence of new "image of man." It is a new image in the sense of being very much a challenge to the dominant scientific world view as that has evolved over the past few centuries, and also to the image of materialistic "economic man" that become enshrined in the institutions and economic theories of the industrial era. Yet it is not new, since traces of it can be found, going back for thousands of years, in the core experiences underlying the world's many religious doctrines, as reported through myths and symbols, holy writings, and esoteric teachings. The staying power of the new image is suggested by the facts that it reactivates the cultural myths whose meaning had become forgotten, and it seems to be substantiated by the further advances of the science which earlier played a role in seemingly discrediting it". -Markley and Harman pg. 200

This "new man" was a direct threat to the prevalent materialistic worldview that had, and still is, keeping the American populace under social and economic control. The government was deeply concerned about the far reaching consequences of this movement that they commissioned such a study as far back as 1968. A copy of the report can be found here: For furthering reading on the subject I highly recommend The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. According to Prince and Picknett: "In 1973 the United States government commissioned a report from SRI International entitled Changing Images of Man, edited by Willis W. Harman and O.W. Markley, which concluded that the spread of what it termed 'the new values'- spiritual and ecological awareness and self-realisation movements- is becoming virtually unstoppable. This would bring about a transformation of society (particularly in the United States) that would radically undermine 'modern industrial-state culture and institutions' and result in 'serious social disruptions, economic decline, runaway inflation, and even institutional collapse'. This report anticipates a lessening of trust in authority and a reaction against a regimented, tightly controlled society. It also suggested ways of preventing this worst-case scenario by identifying existing institutions or traditions that could be used to control and contain the impetus of the new movement."- Picknett & Prince pg. 318

[2] Chirotic is a term coined by astrologer and researcher Barbara Hand Clow to describe the archetypal process and effect of chiron in astrology, see Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between The Inner & Outer Planets.

chad woodward astrologerChad Woodward's Bio

Ever since I was young I found myself fascinated and mesmerized by the night sky, gazing up at its brilliance and immensity in awe. Somehow, this innate part of myself was looking for omens in that very sky, completely unaware of the vivid and profound art known as astrology, which has graced this planet for thousands of years. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I discovered the real horoscopic astrology that, from that point forward, would change and shape my life in ways I would have never imagined. It was truly love at first sight, a love that has only increased in its intensity ever since. Life with astrology is truly an adventure, as it unveils the magic of destiny, which has been sadly lost to our world for far too long.

My goal, as the late Joseph Campbell so eloquently stated, is to simply follow my bliss. Astrology is a guide to the unfolding of self and of the cosmos itself. It is in the proper application of this guide, that we as humans, can learn to no longer be an obstacle to the brilliance and intelligence of this cosmic unfolding. Currently, I am simply a researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist doing my part in the ascension of the planet. I hope to share the joy and bliss that astrology can provide, as we learn to dance and flow in synchronicity with this great and mysterious divine plan.

Cracking The Cosmic Egg: Lunar Eclipse Synchronicity and the Crisis in Consciousness

This is the beginning of a regular astrology column written by my good friend, Chad Woodward. We met up last week to discuss the effect of the Mercury Shadow period from Nov. 22 to Dec. 9 which refers to the month preceding Mercury Retrograde and may bring up shadow issues relating to the way you think, how you communicate and the tools you use on a daily basis; ie cars, computers, and other daily work related activities.  During Mercury Retrograde (from Dec. 10 - Dec. 29 ) we will be working on understanding and revising the way we think, our beliefs,  and how we approach our daily activities. Also, be aware of the people you're attracting into your life right now because they are probably there to help broaden your perspective. Chad and I also talked about how the last three Full Moons (with two more to come for a total of five) fell in the late degree of a sign eg. 29 degrees and how the ucpoming Lunar Eclipse at 29 degrees Gemini is significant because it relates to the collective mind and can help us shift our global perspective. Take a look where this eclipse falls in your birth chart (ie. what house and what planets it's close to)  to find out how you'll be feeling it's influence.

Psychologically, Eclipses represent the appearance of the shadow and the occasion of an eclipse contacting something in your Natal Chart is the perfect opportunity to get a good look at your own shadow. The shadow is, by definition hard for you to see, because it is behind you. An Eclipse can bring it out and make it easier to see, thus giving you a chance to stop projecting it, own it, accept it as part of yourself and integrate it with the rest of your personality. This is uncomfortable, but it is also a gift. Much human energy is wrapped up in avoiding, projecting and hiding our shadows. When you integrate your shadow, you reclaim that energy.

If you have any questions for Chad please ask here: Ask Kathy

Cracking The Cosmic Egg: Lunar Eclipse Synchronicity and the Crisis in Consciousness

by Guest Astrologer Chad Woodward: Kosmic Mind Astrology

Sunrise by the Ocean © Vladimir Kush

You don’t need to be an astrologer to know that something in the world is going on, something powerful and, yet, elusive. The energy we find ourselves so enmeshed with these days, is seemingly unstable, and yet beneath it all, if you look carefully, is the emergence of an exciting new horizon. We are indeed within the threshold of massive “change”, it’s in the air, and it isn’t going to just go away. If you want to survive in this stormy day and age, you’re going to have to be adaptable and open to possibilities that have never been thought of before. The “system” and the structure itself, is in the midst of a massive renovation, and this process won’t happen over night. In astrology, the planet Pluto governs the archetypal process of decay; it is the universal principle of death and rebirth. As Pluto passes through each sign of the zodiac, within its roughly 250 year orbit around the sun, it works to tear down stagnate energies and rebuild them in ways that support evolutionary advancement.

The sign that Pluto resides will correlate directly to what this process will focus upon. In 2008 Pluto shifted into Capricorn, crossing the Winter Solstice point (also known as the Aries Point), a powerful epicenter, which resonates with the crux of the world’s systems and structures. It was indeed in the fall of 2008 that the United States, as well as several other countries, found themselves in the midst of an economic collapse. Since then we’ve seen a national, as well as global, collective shift towards restriction and austerity (both major principles of Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn). Currently, Pluto lies at 4 degrees of Capricorn, with about 26 more degrees to transverse. In other words, this process has only just begun! Pluto will leave Capricorn in 2024 to enter the sign of Aquarius, and until then, there’s a lot of work to be done. The underlining intention is to tear down or deconstruct the systems and structures that no longer serve the evolutionary advancement of the species. The three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were only recently “discovered” within the past 200 years, and yet their presence within the collective psyche is greatly felt.

The angular (or phasal) relationship between Uranus and Pluto governs an archetypal process of massive global change and revolution. These archetypes have been active all throughout history, even before their discovery by astronomers; however, the energies seem to differ greatly when they are activated collectively through human awareness. In other words, since the discovery of these planets, their energies are much more potent and dynamic in that they embody a conscious process of unfolding that astrologers are only beginning to grasp. The “first” conjunction (alignment) of Uranus and Pluto, since their discovery (Uranus in 1781 and Pluto in 1930), set off a massive cultural and social renaissance in the mid 1960’s. No one doubts the significance of this era; it was an explosion within the collective psyche. A new archetypal dynamic was born: eco and cosmic consciousness. This very conjunction was the beginning of a cycle lasting roughly 80 years. A conjunction is when the seed is planted within the collective field, and the proceeding aspects[1] govern the growth and maturation of the cycle. The beginning of any process is often quite unorganized and lacks clear direction, which was garishly displayed all throughout the “hippie” era.

Uranus/Pluto Conjunction in Virgo, October 1965

Uranus/Pluto Conjunction in Virgo, October 1965

The first square between Uranus and Pluto is currently building (the next phase of the cycle), and will become exact in June of 2012. This aspect will be quite intense, as it will carry on until March of 2015! This is the next phase of the cycle, the sprouting and upward growth of what was planted in the collective psyche by the forces of higher evolution. This will be a period of massive change and revolution; a much needed “kick in the ass” to the status quo that has the potential to completely alter the world we live in forever. We are seeing a gradient shift towards this energy, as well as having had a taste of it with the exact oppositions between Uranus and Saturn, which began on Election Day 2008, and ended in July of 2010. Most of us, I’m sure, are quite familiar with the Mayan calendar and the infamous “2012” end date. Due to a disparity among researchers, the Mayan calendar will end on either the winter solstice of 2012, or the fall of 2011. I am not that well versed on the Mayan calendar, and so I won’t be writing much about it here (For those interested in a synthesis between western astrology and the Mayan calendar I suggest following Barbara Hand Clow’s AstroFlash! articles and reading her most recent book, The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening The World Mind). For our purposes, it’s only important to mention that the planets also tell of a time of massive shifts and changes, just as many have prophesized through the use of the Mayan calendar.

From the astrological viewpoint, the discovery of new planets symbolizes an awakening in the collective psyche, an expansion in awareness, and a birthing of new archetypes from which our reality (matrix) is constructed. Ever since the discovery of the “three big players” in western astrology[2] , astronomers have continued to uncover more and more planetary bodies, such as several asteroids, planetoids, and dwarf planets. This signals a massive shift in the evolution of humanity, and an incredible expansion of potential and opportunity for consciousness.

For thousands of years humans could only “see” seven visible planetary bodies (or wandering stars): The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. In astrology these are the archetypes of the subjective consciousness (perception) of self-awareness, and the limits and boundaries of the perceivable world. Saturn, being the outermost planet throughout “recorded”[4] history; has severely limited our perception of reality. The western world’s emphasis on materialism and rational deduction clearly illustrates this point. Saturn is the boundary of the physical and palpable reality we see before us, it reveals only what is functional and practical in terms of survival for the organism. The emergence of new planetary archetypes beyond Saturn, signals the dissolving of this boundary, as our consciousness now has the potential to expand beyond the physical reality before us. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for the saturnine controllers of the world to keep these doors closed. Saturn has lost his grip on reality, and so what does this mean for us as a human species? From my own experience and intuitive inquiries, as well as the conclusions of countless new paradigm researchers, channelers, and visionaries, humanity is on the brink of a New World, and an entirely “new” consciousness from which to perceive it.

In 1977, a new planetary body was discovered in the solar system. The planetoid, Chiron, is one of the most significant and intriguing archetypes to emerge within the collective psyche in recent times. Chiron orbits directly between Saturn and Uranus through most of its cycle, with a slight period in which it moves inside the orbit of Saturn. Due to this placement, Chiron is seen as a bridge, and link, between the physical and the subtle energetic realities, which these new planetary bodies govern. With the discovery of Chiron, an exciting revolution in alternative medicine and the field of holistics began to emerge. The mid seventies saw an explosion in alternative and new age modalities, the perfect segway, to make applicable, the radical experimentation and freethinking of the 1960’s. The sighting of Chiron is an exciting foreshadowing; it signals that a bridging between the left (Saturn) and right (Uranus) hemispheres of the collective mind is now ready to commence. No longer is the world strictly confined to Saturn’s grip on consciousness, the bridge has solidified, but the question remains…are we ready to cross it?

Ascension Heart

Currently, at this very moment in time, we find ourselves at a seemingly critical juncture. The heavens display immense activity, and to the trained eye, it would appear that we are indeed in the midst of a powerful physical and spiritual transformation. October 22, 2010 kicked off a series of five full moons that occur(ed) at the 29th degree, or final degree of the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Leo, with a full Moon in Virgo at the 28th degree. These six signs comprise the lower hemisphere of the zodiac, governing the more subjective and inner personal awareness of consciousness, just as their inner planetary rulers demonstrate. The final degree of any sign, the 29th and even the 28th, also known as anaretic degrees, are considered very potent and critical placements for planets to reside in astrology. Any placement there finds itself at a crisis, a critical threshold through which a powerful culmination must take place before moving on to the next stage of evolutionary development. The archetype of this final degree is the bringing to completion, some long karmic process yearning for a new beginning. The dates for these full moons are as follows:

Full Moon at 29 degrees of Aries- October 22 Full Moon at 29 degrees of Taurus- November 21 Full Moon (and Lunar Eclipse!) at 29 degrees of Gemini- December 21 Full Moon at 29 degrees of Cancer- January 19, 2011 Full Moon at 29 degrees of Leo- February 18, 2011 Full Moon at 28 degrees of Virgo- March 19, 2011

Anaretic Full MoonsThe most significant of these full moons is the Lunar Eclipse on December 21 occurring at the 29th degree of Gemini, just a mere 2 degrees from exact opposition to the Galactic Center[4] , on the day of Winter Solstice!

This is quite an astonishing synchronicity, and it gets more interesting. On June 26, 2010 a Lunar Eclipse occurred at 4 degrees of Capricorn conjunct Pluto. This eclipse occurred while Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto were in a T-square alignment known to astrologers as the “Cardinal Climax”. This means that Saturn and Uranus were in opposition (180 degree angle), while also in square (90 degree angle) to Pluto in Capricorn. Most significant of all, was that all three planets were in conjunction to the four cardinal points of the zodiac, or very first degrees of the four cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This configuration is a powerful omen to the entire world, signaling a massive restructuring of the world order, and the human consciousness that perceives it. When the Sun reaches zero degrees of these four signs, it signals the shift of seasons, and a change in the duration of days.

You could say that these four points symbolize the cross of matter, or the points that hold our reality or matrix in place as it perceived by our own subjective consciousness (The Sun). Equally, they also resonate with the four directions: North (Capricorn), South (Cancer), East (Aries), and West (Libra). The opposition between Uranus and Saturn reveals the clash between hemispheres, literally, Left (Saturn) and Right (Uranus), East (Uranus in Aries) and West (Saturn in Libra)! This dichotomy is then being driven by the forces of higher evolution (Pluto in Capricorn), thrust and directed forth as it restructures the systems of the world. The sky reveals it quite vividly; the collective mind must merge by the resolution of dichotomies. No longer can this battle between hemispheres wage; it is being forced to come together, by any means possible. The heavy influence of the directional/seasonal axis symbolism, further indicates a shift, just as the seasonal cycles, within the nature of the subjective human experience.

Cardinal climax lunar eclipse

At the time of the Eclipse on June 26, Pluto was in retrograde[5] (moving “backwards”). In astrology, eclipses “manifest” as an event or process within the third dimension when an outer planet, or trigger planet such as Mars, activates the zone of the eclipse by major aspect, usually a conjunction or opposition. Interestingly, Pluto will conjoin, and thus activate, the degree of the eclipse on December 16. Please note that dates listed are NOT presented with the intention to predict physical events that will manifest on that day. I believe that the actual date of a planetary event signifies a powerful energetic process occurring within us that is only detectable by our higher and finely tuned perceptions. Events connected to the archetypal vein of an astrological event are often delayed, or occur sporadically around the date.

Astrologer and researcher Barbara Hand Clow, in her Summer Solstice reading for June 26, 2010, stated that the cardinal climax configuration within the horoscope for the Lunar Eclipse on June 22nd, was a “6D architectural design that is reformulating the solid world”. By 6D, she means that all solid forms in 3D have a code, or geometric configuration, that exists in the sixth dimension. This code or configuration, sometimes referred to as a morphogenetic field[6] , replicates itself in the third dimension. It takes a certain alignment with this energy field for the code to replicate properly, or rather, manifest its potential. According to the Pleadians[7] , many of us are conditioned to be out of alignment with this energy field, and thus our growth, or the manifestation of our physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual bodies, becomes distorted or dysfunctional. In her reading she stated that this new design, this new template for consciousness, would be pulled down and locked into the third dimension via the Lunar Eclipse of June 26th. What is remarkable is that it appears that Pluto and the Eclipse indeed locked this design in, but that Pluto’s retrograde signaled a period of processing, and now it appears it is ready to be fully activated within our own minds directly!

Divine Geometry © Vladimir Kush

These two eclipses, occurring so closely to the Capricorn/Cancer solstice axis, direct our attention to a process that is altering, entirely, the very backbone of consciousness. This axis is very symbolic of the spinal column, or the axis of the world tree, branching outward into Capricorn/Sagittarius, and digging its roots deep into Cancer/Gemini. This axis can also be likened to a wormhole or portal, linking the lower and subjective modes of consciousness with higher and more objective perceptions. These five full Moons occurring at the last degrees of the lower signs indicate a very critical crisis within the subjective consciousness of humanity. In the middle of these anaretic full moons, is a Lunar eclipse on the 29th degree of Gemini, the archetype of the mind/nervous system complex, as well as our communicative faculties and tools. This suggests that the logical and rational disposition of our world is beginning a process in which it must be reborn.

DNA zodiac axis

The lunar eclipse on winter solstice creates another interesting parallel to the eclipse that occurred on June 26, 2010. The eclipse in June occurred around the point of winter solstice, just after the actual summer solstice, and the eclipse in December occurs exactly on winter solstice at the point of summer solstice. This swap of energies is reminiscent of a mutual reception, connecting a link between these two events. Equally just as fascinating, during the lunar eclipse on winter solstice 2010, Pluto is just minutes away from exact conjunction (or combust) to the June eclipse, sitting profoundly at the 4th degree of Capricorn activating these energies. If this wasn’t enough, Mercury in retrograde motion, swoops by the Galactic Center of the galaxy at its position of 26 degrees of Sagittarius, making a square to the building Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Pisces and sextile the Neptune and Chiron conjunction in Aquarius! This is an astonishing symbolism, as it clearly indicates a very powerful transmission-taking place. This reveals that this transmission is being given to Mercury, the archetype of the human mind, as it passes the Galactic Center. Then it is being directly implanted into the human mind itself (while in downtime for the retrograde?), and the square to Jupiter and Uranus show that it will have the effect of an expansive (Jupiter) awakening (Uranus) of something dormant, hidden, and numinous (Pisces).

Does this mean that we are about to crack the cosmic egg, which has been floating in the numinous and archetypal realms since it’s delivery into the collective psyche via the lunar eclipse in June? Jupiter passes and exactly squares the December eclipse on January 18, 2011, followed by Uranus on February 27, 2011. Normally, squares to an Eclipse aren’t considered as potent of triggers as an opposition or conjunction, but I would make an exception to the rule because Jupiter and Uranus are activating this energy together…intensifying the influence of these aspects ten-fold! Here we see that the two planets, Uranus and Pluto, which will square beginning in 2012, are directly involved in the activation of these eclipses. This reveals that something much larger is at work within the Uranus and Pluto cycle this time around. Mercury retrograde indicates that this transmission is not entirely new, in the sense, that retrogrades indicate a connection to the past, as does the lunar eclipse’s conjunction to the south node. Humanity has experienced this perception before; we are simply being reminded again, of something dormant and latent within us.

The critical anaretic full Moons then present us with an interesting assumption, that the human organism has been, and will continue, to undergo a process of preparation for this transmission. This preparation requires the clearing of stagnate blockages that are preventing the flow of a new current of energy, and thus stagnating evolutionary growth, as indicated by their placement at the 29th degree of the lower signs. Look to your life, and the lives of those around you, and you will likely see that this process has indeed been underway. Becoming conscious of what needs to be cleared at this time will allow us to assist the process rather than hinder it. Now is the time to be as fully conscious as possible, and fully present to and others. The more we are aligned with this transmission, the more functional it will be for us. The more unconscious and imbalanced we are, the more distortion of the information. The design, transmission, upgrade, or whatever you want to call it, will come down into the mind of humanity no matter what, and as a result, it will manifest in varying degrees of authenticity. Doing conscious practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation, will assist us in this time in further aligning ourselves with these energies so we can manifest their highest potential. Take this mercury retrograde period, and the next several weeks thereafter, to ground and connect deeply to yourself as never before.

NASA Opens A Portal

On December 2, 2010, NASA made a big announcement regarding a new discovery, which they claimed, would impact the search for extraterrestrial life. In complete synchronicity with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction[8] , scientists have discovered a new microbe, while conducting research in Mono Lake, California. This microbe completely challenges the current perception of life, as we know it, as it has the ability to substitute arsenic for phosphorus within its cell components. At first, this may not seem like such a big deal, but let’s take a deeper look at just how crucial this discovery really is.

“The Definition of life has just expanded”, says Ed Weiler, NASA’s associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate. “As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it”.

The statements by those involved in the discovery uncannily reflect, the symbolism of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Pisces, expanding (Jupiter) the scientific perception (Uranus) of something that was hidden, latent, and unknown (in Pisces). I believe the symbolism and metaphor presented by this event, is central to my thesis, as well as the process in which we find ourselves so enmeshed. Whether the findings and the research can stand up to the rigorous analysis from skeptics, that will surely follow, is irrelevant here. What matters is that we have a collective event that informs us, through symbolism, of the nature of these key alignments and synchronicities. Collective events directly reflect the collective unconscious.

“We know that some microbes can breathe arsenic, but what we’ve found is a microbe doing something new- building parts of itself out of arsenic”, said Felisa Wolfe- Simon, a NASA astrobiology research fellow. “If something here on earth can do something so unexpected, what else can life do that we haven’t seen yet?

For the rational mind, this is a big step, in dissolving the saturnine boundaries of perception. It is as if, this discovery has been placed by the collective unconscious, as a stepping-stone to a broader view of life’s capacities and manifold manifestations, not only here on earth, but within the entire galaxy. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorous are the six basic building blocks of all “known” life on the planet. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) builds or forms inherited genetic material inside each cell of living organisms. Its structure consists of three basic parts: a nitrogenous base, pentose sugar, and phosphate groups. There are four nitrogenous bases in DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. These four bases form the “latter” like steps of the double helix of DNA. Pentose sugar is a five-carbon sugar called deoxyribose, which attaches to each base in DNA. The phosphate groups and pentoses form the “backbone” of each DNA strand, comparable to the function of a spinal column within the human body, forming the two strands, which connect to the sides of each nitrogenous base.

dnaAccording to NASA, this particular microbe does not conform to the usual construction of DNA. Instead of a phosphate dominant “backbone”, we have a backbone comprised of arsenic, a poison to most life forms on the planet! This is quite a synchronicity, here we have the symbolism, which directly affirms, a shift and change in the “backbone” of consciousness, and possibly, of human perception itself. We also have an archetypal reference to DNA, the building blocks of life coming forth at this time, when the sky reveals the symbolism for a transmission for the human species. On top of it all, the researchers most interested are astrobiologists, who study the probable nature of life on other planets, a reference to extraterrestrial archetypes. Now let’s take a look at the horoscope for NASA’S announcement for further insight. The announcement took place on December 2, 2010 at 2:00 PM EST in Washington, DC. Aries is rising at 15 degrees, which makes Mars the ruler at 26 degrees of Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center! Mars is thus disposited by Jupiter, which is of course, conjunct Uranus in the twelfth house, further emphasizing a scientific discovery, which is uncovering something hidden or veiled. The conjunction also squares Mars and Pallas Athena in the ninth house, emphasizing the solving of a pattern that has the potential to expand awareness. However, Mercury is in its retrograde shadow, and so whatever this brings up will get revised over the retrograde cycle; not all the information is available yet. Pluto dominates the Midheaven in conjunction by 4 degrees, this is a powerful and far-reaching event. Let’s take a look at some Sabian symbols for further insight…

The symbol for the rising degree is:

Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset

In An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases, Dane Rudhyar interprets the symbol as follows:

“Attunement to the potency of invisible forces of nature.”

“In the light of personal fulfillment (symbol of sunset and wisdom) man may be able to establish a life-giving contact with natural forces. These are active any time growth processes take place, but man’s individualized mind is usually too focused on working for consciously set goals to be able to realize concretely the presence of invisible forces in operation. These forces constitute a specific realm of planetary life. They are inherent in all “biospheres”, on whatever planet. They are non-individualized and un-free energies forming in the substratum of all life processes- thus of the process of integration at the level of the planet-as-a-whole, i.e. the planet as an organism with it automatic systems of growth, maintenance and organic multiplication. In this planetary organism those nature forces act as guiding and balancing-harmonizing factors-some-what as the endocrine system does in the human body, and behind this system the more occult web of chakra energies related to prana-the solar energy. It is when this energy becomes less dominant-thus symbolically at sunset-or when the body energy is weakened by illness, fasting or sensory deprivation, that it becomes easier to perceive these “nature spirits” and to give them forms that symbolize the character of their activities. These forms differ with the cultural imagery of each human collectivity, retaining nevertheless some basically similar characteristics. When this Sabian symbol reaches into the consciousness of a man seeking meaning, it should be seen as an invitation to open his mind to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and non-rational, intuitive manner.

It implies a call to REPOTENTIALIZATION. What this means also is the process of “becoming like a little child”.

This symbol is beyond relevant, and it almost seems to “make fun” of the situation. It illustrates the limitations inherent in man’s individualized mind as it is too focused on goal setting to direct consciousness to the awareness of subtle forces. It’s as if it is saying that science is blind to the discovery of extraterrestrial life (the theme of the study), that it completely misses the fact that such energies are all around us, if only we could listen carefully. The notion of opening the mind to approach life in a holistic and intuitive manner is key here, as it presents the basis of this shift and transmission. The last sentence beautifully illustrates how this process would manifest, as man would be required to become like a little child. When confronted with a new frontier, we indeed, must learn to walk again.

Let’s take a look at the symbol for the Sun, which reads:

In the left section of an archaic temple, a lamp burns in a container shaped like a human body.

Quoting Rudhyar:

“The value of the “return to the body” advocated by modern thinkers in order to balance the stress on intellectuality and objective consciousness.”

“This sequence of five symbols confronts us with rather mysterious images, which nevertheless can be given very profound and important meaning for today. The original formulation of this symbol spoke of “physical enlightenment”, but what seems to be implied, in contemporary terms, is the need to rely upon “the wisdom of the body” of which so much is made in sensitivity training and Gestalt psychotherapy. This refers to the prisoner of intellectual concepts with their total reliance on quantitative values, objectivity and conformity to the official patterns of our culture.”

“It stresses the importance, for many individuals, of RELYING UPON ORGANISMIC RESPONSES in meeting life’s challenges.”

This symbol vividly illustrates, once more, a process that is taking humanity out of its head and back into the body. The wisdom of the body indeed beckons, and it would be wise for us to listen.

The Shift of Seasons

The Lunar Eclipse on Dec 21, 2010 will be visible across the entire continental United States, and as a result, this is where its effects will be most prominent. Eclipses symbolize a clearing out of energy, which take place on multiple dimensions, taking out the old and bringing in the new. Look to where 29 degrees of Gemini falls in your horoscope, as it will reveal the area of life that this process will unfold. Due to the symbolism of the anaretic degree, this process MUST take place, and so all stagnation must be eliminated at this time to make room for more growth. The final anaretic full moon will be at the 28th degree of Virgo, conjunct the Autumnal Equinox, on the day before the Spring Equinox on March 19, 2011, another intriguing emphasis placed on the cardinal degrees. Uranus will be conjunct the Sun and opposite the Eclipse on the Aries point, creating another grand cross involving the north and south nodes of the moon. The sabian symbol for this full moon reads:

A seeker after occult knowledge is reading an ancient scroll which illumines his mind.

Quoting Rudhyar:

“After a crisis, one should seek to realign the renewed consciousness with the primordial Revelation of the Truth of Man.

Any revolutionary movement, once it has succeeded in overcoming the inertia of the past and in toppling obsolete structures, needs to tap the most essential realities of what Man represents and signifies in the universal Order; or else it merely reembodies in a superficially altered manner the very things it has destroyed. This is the crucial moment. In occultism the “Pattern of Man” is an archetypal Power that may be contacted. It must be sought with undeviating determination. After each revolutionary crisis this Pattern and this Power can be contacted-always the same, yet at each new cycle perceivable in a different light.

This fourth stage symbol presents us with the technique required to “reach the other shore”. But each individual, and each group or racial unit, must come in its own way to the ROOT KNOWLEDGE which provides the only safe foundation for rebirth.”

With every shift of season comes a shift in perception, and just has we have seasonal cycles, so does the collective psyche. How each of us “reaches the other shore”, is in the end, our own responsibility, and just as the symbol describes, we all must do it in our own and unique way. Take this time to embrace your uniqueness, and to find that place within that is always connected to this root knowledge, for when you listen deeply to yourself, you’ll always be aligned with the right path. The world, the matrix may change, but our own unique inner truth, will forever remain the same. At this time, our attention is drawn to the point of Winter Solstice, the vicinity from which the Lunar Eclipse on June 26, 2010 received a new pattern for the collective psyche. When the Sun has reached Winter Solstice, it has symbolically "died", since its "fall", which began at the autumnal equinox. To the ancients, this was the symbolic death and resurrection of the Sun deity, who would no longer descend nor rise in the sky for three days. Upon the morning of Christmas day, the Sun would be reborn into a new form, as he would now ascend from this day forth, and the promise of Spring-the rebirth of the ego-would be on the horizon. The end of the Mayan Calendar also draws our attention to this point, as the 2012 end-date falls on Winter Solstice, and thus the archetype of this point has much relevance for us at this time. It would appear that consciousness is indeed in the midst of a symbolic, and yet very real death, but just as the Sun demonstrates each and every year, a new horizon always awaits. Death is merely one aspect of a cycle, a cycle which never truly has an end.

[1] Aspects are the geometric relationship between planets from the geocentric, or earth’s, perspective. For example, a full Moon is an opposition of the Sun and Moon, which basically means that from the earth’s perspective, the Sun and Moon are exactly 180 degrees apart from one another. There are as many aspects as there are possible divisions within a circle, but astrologers have found three prominent aspects to be the most influential or the most critical periods of the cycle: the conjunction (0 degrees), the square (90 degrees), and the opposition (180 degrees).

[2] Western Tropical astrology is currently the only system that utilizes and researches newly discovered planets. Other systems, such as the Vedic, use only a 7-planet solar system.

[3] There are various theories which state that humanity, at one time, was well aware of the outer planets. Zecharia Stichin in his infamous book, “The Twelfth Planet”, contends that the Sumerian civilization had pictographic representations of the three outer planetary bodies. Other theories, similar to Stichin's, suggest that earth was once apart of an intergalactic/global civilization described in the mythos of Atlantis, and subsequently destroyed during a cataclysmic event known as the deluge. The emergence of these planets once more, is a process of remembering, or recovering, a consciousness that humanity has already experienced.

[4] The galactic center is believed to be the source of a higher consciousness, which directs the evolution of all life forms throughout the galaxy.

[5] When a planet is in retrograde is appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This is of course, an optical Illusion from earth’s geocentric perspective.

[6] Rupert Sheldrake (2005). Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance: An Introduction, February 2005.

[7] The Pleadians are extraterrestrial beings from the Pleadies star system whose central star is Alcyone. See, “The Pleadian Agenda” by Barbara Hand Clow.

[8] Historically, the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus correlates to an expansion (Jupiter) in scientific thinking (Uranus). In other words, it correlates directly to new discoveries that expand our perception, as well as our interactivity, with the world around us

Guest Astrologer, Chad WoodwardChad’s Bio

Ever since I was young I found myself fascinated and mesmerized by the night sky, gazing up at its brilliance and immensity in awe. Somehow, this innate part of myself was looking for omens in that very sky, completely unaware of the vivid and profound art known as astrology, which has graced this planet for thousands of years. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I discovered the real horoscopic astrology that, from that point forward, would change and shape my life in ways I would have never imagined. It was truly love at first sight, a love that has only increased in its intensity ever since. Life with astrology is truly an adventure, as it unveils the magic of destiny, which has been sadly lost to our world for far too long.

My goal, as the late Joseph Campbell so eloquently stated, is to simply follow my bliss. Astrology is a guide to the unfolding of self and of the cosmos itself. It is in the proper application of this guide, that we as humans, can learn to no longer be an obstacle to the brilliance and intelligence of this cosmic unfolding. Currently, I am simply a researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist doing my part in the ascension of the planet. I hope to share the joy and bliss that astrology can provide, as we learn to dance and flow in synchronicity with this great and mysterious divine plan.

Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn/Sagittarius

This is the debut of Chad Woodward's Kosmic Mind Astrology Column on my blog. Chad is  an astrological researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist PLUS a good friend of mine who I highly respect for his ongoing and unique explorations into the awesome potential of astrology and how it effects us on a microcosmic and macrocosmic level.

Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn/Sagittarius

by Chad Woodward Chad's Blog: Chad's Facebook Page

Dec 10 through Dec 29, 2010 Enters Shadow: Nov 22, 2010 @ 20 degrees Sagittarius Stationary Retrograde: Dec 10, 2010 @ 06 degrees Capricorn Stationary Direct: Dec 29, 2010 @ 20 degrees Sagittarius Leaves Shadow: Jan 17, 2011 @ 06 degrees Capricorn

Mercury retrograde occurs, roughly, every three months, and designates a three week time band in which the “normal” flow of daily activities are interrupted and or rerouted in directions diametrically opposed to a linear perception of time. In other words, it is often a time of frustration for most people because many of us are in a state of future orientation, that is, not in the present moment, but rather living out or projecting other moments that have yet to come into existence. Mercury retrograde is a natural archetypal process whose function serves to reroute the collective mental consciousness into a state of introspection and revision. This has the effect of “looking back” as opposed to forward. All mental processes that have been formulating for the past three months, have now reached a point, in which their basic mechanics must be re-evaluated to ensure their success. This manifests within a multitude of formations such as the mechanical failure or interruption of various machinery, to the setback or delay in plans that have been formulating for several weeks. Again, the function serves to correct any imbalance or potential malfunction that could interrupt the successful execution in the future, and so this is a natural time in which to take a “second look” and to make sure everything is in its proper place.

It’s quite common for something to come to a head around this time, and the ego is very tempted to push us forward, however, nature intends otherwise. It would be very wise to take a few steps back and rework your plan or direction, because the universe fully supports it! If you learn to work with the Mercury retrograde cycle as opposed or against it, you’ll find that these times will be much less stressful than is often the case. Mercury retrograde is often touted as a time of mishaps and “misfortunes”, causing many to look at it with apprehension and dread. The truth of the matter is that, astrological events don’t cause things to happen, but rather correlate with the unfolding of circumstances directly linked to our own unconscious. Whatever misfortunes we experience at this time are signs from the unconscious heeding us to pay closer attention to something. The function for such mishaps are to reroute us into another direction so that we are further aligned with our evolutionary path. The more we fight this process, the more difficult the cycle will be perceived. Another function of Mercury retrograde is to make adjustments to our basic ideologies or to simply change our perspective on something. As a result, it is best to keep an open mind and to be as receptive as possible to incoming feedback or information, as it is likely to have a powerful impact on our consciousness. Follow any intuition that urges you to go BACK to something that you may have overlooked, you’ll now find it perfectly useful within your present circumstances.

Mercury retrograde seems to take effect through a gradient shift, known as the shadow period. A shadow period is simply when Mercury moves through the area of the zodiac that it will retrograde back through. Mercury first entered the shadow on November 22nd and then goes retrograde on Dec 10th. Pay close attention to events that have transpired between this band of time, as they will play a crucial role in what will be adjusted or worked on over the next three weeks. The second shadow period, Dec 29th through Jan 17, 2011 designates a period in which the process “wraps up” and comes to a close, which will follow a gradual receding of the effects. Keep an open mind, and a flexible schedule, and most of all expect the unexpected!

To further understand this retrograde cycle I like to look towards the degree in which Mercury goes stationary retrograde, and study the Sabian symbol for that specific degree (click here to learn more about Sabian symbols). The symbol for 6 degrees of Capricorn reads:

“Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods”

Dane Rudhyar, in his infamous book, “An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and It’s 360 Symbolic Phases”, has this to say about the symbol:

“The need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is to be found beyond. Number 10 is a symbol of completion; it symbolizes even more the revelation of a new series of activities just ahead. Yet unless the concluded series is brought to some degree of fulfillment, nothing truly significant is likely to be accomplished by a restless reaching out toward the as-yet-unknown. Number 10 is a symbol of germination, but the seed (Number 9) must have matured well. No natural process can be accelerated safely beyond certain limits. Here man reaches a THRESHOLD in which he may have to pause in order to safeguard his further advance”

This is an intriguing symbol indeed, further exemplifying the need to pause and complete something before pushing forward, and to not push something beyond its own natural limitations. I find the notion of a threshold equally fascinating, given the energy that surrounds us at this present moment in time. Keep an eye out for my next blog post shortly, as I’ll cover current events and their correlation to this point. The basic premise is that at this juncture, the collective consciousness is experiencing a threshold, a barrier or gateway, to another perception of reality. However you want to label this threshold does not matter, but looking into your own lives you will likely find this symbolism to be very prominent. Further empowering this retrograde cycle is Mercury’s position in conjunction to the stellium between the North Node, Pluto, and Mars in Capricorn. Mercury will retrograde (move backwards) through this energy, and then will direct and pass through it once more. I believe this retrograde is in complete synchronicity with the culmination of a very powerful evolutionary process that is unfolding before us, which I will further delineate in my next post. This evolutionary process is being activated directly into our own mental consciousness via Mercury’s passage, creating a bridge between powerful, yet subtle, cosmic forces and our own personal and mundane realities.

mercury retrograde

With that aside for now, this powerful conjunction in Capricorn is urging all of us to take responsibility for our own lives, to leave the past behind, and to bravely step into the unknown as powerful warriors of planet earth. This is a time in which many structures are failing, many systems are collapsing, and the future may seem bleak and uncertain. The beauty of it all, if you can see it, is that it’s all apart of the unfolding, an unfolding that the cosmos so eloquently describes through vivid symbolism. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is working to tear down what no longer supports the structure, and to replace it with more sustainable forms, a process that will continue on into 2024 (Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008). The conjunction with the North Node is further enhancing this energy, along with the activation of two Eclipses that have, and will, occur within this axis. What falls away at this time has outlived its usefulness and is at this point, stagnating further growth and evolution. Let what needs to die go at this time, let it pass through this threshold, and a powerful rebirth and transmutation will be waiting at the end. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn is uncovering the dark and hidden side of the world’s structures, which includes governmental institutions and big business corporations. This has the effect of popularizing various conspiracies, revealing the truth about “what’s really going on”, which likely has much validity as long as it isn’t taken too far. Pluto likes to take things to the extreme, so it is highly important to keep oneself in check from getting too obsessed or involved in uncovering “the truth”. This energy also has the potential to push those with power to the edge, creating the delusion that they can overpower and manipulate nature for their own means. On the light side, this energy is urging us to step into our power and full potential as human beings, to take responsibility for the collective destiny, to build a greater awareness of our effect on the environment, and to build more sustainable structures for the future of humanity.

This retrograde Mercury passes through both Capricorn and Sagittarius, crossing the powerful cardinal point (or Aries Point) at zero degrees of Capricorn. This retrograde is all about restructuring our lives, receiving a larger and more broad perspective, and really taking a good hard look at what is or isn’t working. Mercury’s retreat into Sagittarius on Dec 18 will shift this focus from the structural details themselves, into a desire to gain deeper clarity and understanding of the situation as a whole. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will allow us to really connect to the truth of a situation, so that we can see more clearly where we are headed. This is also potentially a very spiritually influential retrograde, in which we will have a greater opportunity to connect to our higher selves and our innate intuition. As with all Mercury retrograde cycles, stay flexible and be open to revision of all kinds. If you can go with the flow of this powerful energy, you will likely find it less stressful than need be.

Guest Astrologer, Chad WoodwardChad's Bio

Ever since I was young I found myself fascinated and mesmerized by the night sky, gazing up at its brilliance and immensity in awe. Somehow, this innate part of myself was looking for omens in that very sky, completely unaware of the vivid and profound art known as astrology, which has graced this planet for thousands of years. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I discovered the real horoscopic astrology that, from that point forward, would change and shape my life in ways I would have never imagined. It was truly love at first sight, a love that has only increased in its intensity ever since. Life with astrology is truly an adventure, as it unveils the magic of destiny, which has been sadly lost to our world for far too long.

My goal, as the late Joseph Campbell so eloquently stated, is to simply follow my bliss. Astrology is a guide to the unfolding of self and of the cosmos itself. It is in the proper application of this guide, that we as humans, can learn to no longer be an obstacle to the brilliance and intelligence of this cosmic unfolding. Currently, I am simply a researcher, massage therapist, healer, and artist doing my part in the ascension of the planet. I hope to share the joy and bliss that astrology can provide, as we learn to dance and flow in synchronicity with this great and mysterious divine plan.