Gold Deluxe Soul Reading

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Gold Deluxe Soul Reading


A Gold Deluxe Soul Reading is an intuitive, channeled reading of your soul’s energy during which Kathy may see, hear, feel or sense your past, present and future lives. Guidance is received from the Divine, your ancestors, and spirit guides in response to your questions.

What You Will Receive:
1. A one hour soul reading with Mp3 recording or just the recording if you prefer (please send all your questions beforehand.)

2. Phone support during a follow up call (30 minutes) or email (Kathy will call you if you're within Canada or the USA otherwise long distance charges may apply if you call her).

3. An original watercolor painting inspired by your reading, 6x6 inches mounted onto 8x8 inch acid free mat board that is signed and titled with a certificate of authenticity. (See examples in photo listing.)

4. A 15-25 minute guided audio meditation specifically channeled for you and available as a downloadable file and a phone in recording that you can listen to as often as you like. This recording will never be shared. Both the painting and the mediation are inspirational healing tools designed to strengthen, support and inspire you in tune with your reading.

5. Two bonus gifts (see below).

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About Your Bonus Gifts:
1. A Soul Reading Guidebook (more info below).

2. One Astrology Report of your choice:

  • 12 page Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights.

  • 14 page Goddess Asteroids Report: for greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world.

  • 22 page Friends or Lovers Report: To offer you insights into a specific relationship.

  • 26 page Past Lives Report.

  • 29-32 page Lunar Return Report covering one lunar month in full detail.

  • 35 page Birthday Report describing your year ahead illustrated in full color.

About Your Soul Reading Guidebook
Your Soul Reading Guidebook will help you understand and process your Soul Reading and inspire a soulful life. Your Guidebook includes fourteen beautifully illustrated pages, which includes a resources page, and five blank pages with hand painted borders for you to continue exploring your creative soul journey on your own. Topics include: Understanding your reading, and how to connect with your spirit guides and gemstone guides.

About Support and Follow-Up:
Discuss your Soul Reading with Kathy by phone or email to make sure you understand and benefit from your Reading on a soul-deep level.

Suggested Questions for Your Reading:
    - Work/career
    - Life/soul purpose
    - Relationships/love
    - Healing and health
    - Ancestor/mediumship, spirit guidance
    - Past lives and karmic issues

Kathy's Background:
Kathy received intuitive training from English psychic and channel, Adam Higgs and spiritual training from meditation teacher Om (devotee of Sri Chinmoy). She studied yoga with Atma Khalsa and Amanollah Ghahraman, Herbalism with Susun Weed (Green Witch Intensive) and Therapeutic Touch with Joyce Fournier, RN. Kathy received her certification in crystal healing from Katrina Raphaell’s Crystal Academy and has been a lifelong student of astrology through private study and group sessions with Steven Forrest, Patty Davidson, Laura DesJardins and Jeffrey Wolf Green. In 2017 Kathy was initiated into Third Road Celtic Faerie Shamanism after three years of intensive study with Francesca De Grandis, author of "Be A Goddess!".

Watch a video about the Gold Deluxe Soul Reading here.

"Kathy, your Soul Reading provided me with lots of inspiration and energy to move forward, so thank you tons for that. You're a true blessing! It's always a joy to work with you. And I was so surprised and happy when I saw that you also drew a card for my clients; I resonated so deeply with that, with all of it. What you said is truly validating (like in the Past Life Reading) and what I've already felt as my truth so far and it's relieving, so relieving. I'm ready to charge forward, forge my path and secure my safety and well being with plans and lots of me-time." ~ Kim Hafke, Professional Psychic Medium (Soul Reading, 2017)

"Kathy, I can't thank you enough. I so appreciate your care, time and love that went into this. I spent some time re-reading and meditating on the soul reading today, and it was so helpful for me to process". ~ Cara Imperato, Project Manager, Philadelphia, PA (Soul Reading 2017)

"If you're a really good psychic yourself, you might hesitate to risk time and money on a reader, figuring they may not be able to add to what you yourself can glean psychically, let alone perform at the level you provide your own clients. But I called Kathy to give it a try. Imagine my surprised delight when Kathy gave me exactly what I try to provide my own clients: accurate information, given with gentleness, compassion and sensitivity." ~ Francesca De Grandis, Shamanic Guide

“The Soul Reading was absolutely incredible. It resonated with me on so many different levels. I have read and re-read it many times. Thank you so much! I plan on following the advice and doing some journaling. I wish I could meet you! ?? You have such an incredible gift and your passion for what you do shines through your art and readings. ~ Anonymous, 2017”

"The Soul Reading Guidebook is amazing. I'm remembering why I loved my first reading, now. Thank you for your dedication to empowerment and education. It's refreshing". ~ Mary Evelyn (Deluxe Soul Reading, 2017)

"I read my reading several times and it does resonate deeply with how I feel and think about things. The reading is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks!" ~ L.L., 2016

"The accuracy was amazing - enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck tingle... ♥ You are very gifted ♥ Thank you again for my reading." ~ Sue, Etsy artist

"I think the greatest gift of the reading though, was the feeling that I am growing from one phase of my life into another. It’s a process to let go of the need to make myself feel worthy by accomplishing any number of things I set up for myself but I have, on the whole, felt as though it’s getting easier and easier. I have also taken to heart the notion of seeing myself as a joyful person instead of just as a responsible person and it’s getting easier to do that as well. I was happy to see that my bookmark was “Jonie, perpetual daisy dreamer” because shortly after I got this reading I pulled out my art journal for the first time in months and made a “dreaming” page." ~ Jen Swanson

"Your Reading gave me a HUGE exhale moment. Emotions that I have buried far too long are being released…although it is sad, it is also cleansing. I have waited 32 years to exhale. Each day since the reading, I am taking the pieces you handed me and filling in the spaces. You have opened up a whole new world for me…thank you doesn’t begin to describe my gratitude. Thank you Kathy, for bringing Jeffrey back to me." ~ RuthAnn Dickinson, Paralegal Studies, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

"Kathy's Creative Soul Reading was one of the most unique I’ve ever had, and not to mention the most interactive. The guidance I received allowed me to just let go of trying to control the outcome, and to just let things flow along organically, as they should. The integration of her artistic and intuitive gifts reveals an entirely new form, something much deeper and more personable than anything I’ve seen or experienced before. If you’re looking for a different kind of reading, one that is fluid and self-empowering as opposed to being rigidly deterministic, I highly suggest what Kathy has to offer here! Two Years Later: Looking back at Kathy's reading, I’m amazed how accurate it was. I didn’t quite connect with everything when I first got it, but now, with the way things unfolded, I’ve found her insights very helpful almost two years later. Her reading really helped to validate what I already knew intuitively from the beginning, allowing me to really trust my vibes and follow my heart–but the way it was presented really gave me the bigger picture helping to reassure me that I’m on the right track." ~ Chad Woodward, Astrologer

"I received my reading during a very black part of my life. Being desperately unhappy and not knowing why can make you feel like you’re in a dark space. To be perfectly honest I didn’t understand much about what the reading was trying to tell me at first, so I read it over and over and eventually I saw a crack starting to appear in the dark wall around me. The suggestion of drinking nettle tea didn’t seem to appeal to me, but I have started drinking it and to my complete amazement I feel completely energized! It really does help. Also I took the advice of working with a picture of a waterfall and I bought a huge picture and made it a centre piece in my lounge. I feel peace and ease when I sit and look at it. Overall the reading allowed me to see things from a different perspective. I was told that the one thing I needed to do was be open to love and I always thought I was, but this is where the different perspective comes in. I was thinking be open to love from a lover, but I have recently closed myself off from everyone and everything, but slowly and surely I’m taking the advice as it was meant and trying to let people love me again. I feel so much more positive about my future now and know that I will eventually be able to move forward! Kathy, you are amazing. You rescued me when I thought there was no hope left for me. Thank you." ~ Laura Gellar, Writer, East Midlands, UK.

"Kathy is very down-to-earth and honest. She is by far one of the best readers I have every come across on my path. She is passionate, open and willing to do what it takes to make sure you are satisfied." ~ Chris Sauner, Director, Work At Home United, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA.

"Scarily accurate!" ~ Leah Sutton, As published in Let’s Knit Magazine, Issue 18, May 2009, United Kingdom.

Read more testimonials here.