Lullaby Siren Song Tarot Support

Dear Mer-Moon Muser,

You breathe the World
The World breathes you.

Tune in to your depths
For it's here the mermaid's sing.

As singing was our first language
the music resonates with our cells,
our eyes, our body.

Feel yourself becoming
one with the ALL.

This week's mermaid poem & watercolor depicts the World card from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot, a 22 card circular Major Arcana deck.

Sparkly Mer-Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe

Lullaby Mermaid by Kathy Crabbe

Lullaby Mermaid (detail) by Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I teach at Wise Woman School and review divination decks for Witches & Pagans