White Kitty Necklace handpainted on Wood - just finished

Instead of making the usual quick, mass produced sorta necklace where a color copy print is adhered to a wooden tile or pendant  I decided to handpaint mine instead and of course I chose a kitty to decorate my first necklace!  I've outlined the various steps required in making the necklace in this blog (see past posts over the last couple of days) and finally, finally, it's done and now for sale in my shop ($19): http://KathyCrabbeArt.com White Kitty Handpainted Wooden Necklace by Kathy Crabbe

White Kitty Handpainted Wooden Necklace by Kathy Crabbe

White Kitty Handpainted Wooden Necklace by Kathy Crabbe

White Kitty Handpainted Wooden Necklace by Kathy Crabbe


I am a self taught intuitive artist currently living and working in the desert valley of Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks and an elfin forest. I live in a home created by my husband that we share with our cat and dog, Abby and Spartacus. Gnomes, aliens and fairies have also been spotted here. I’ve been drawing since age two and giving intuitive soul readings since 2008.