Pisces Crone Moon Musings

Crone (Waning) Moon in PiscesMay 24, 2011

Affirmation: I let go of all fear. In the coming week I will say "YES!" to all challenges that come my way.

Fin. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe.

Creative Soul Card®: Fin (choose your own card here)

Creative Soul Challenge: Complete and release one of your New Moon Intentions from the previous New Moon in Taurus on May 2. What is it and how will completing this intention change your life? Feel free to share your feelings and thoughts in my Creative Soul Circle Moon Musing Group.

Tap into your own 6th Sense by randomly choosing a book close by and turning to page 52, sentence 2. What does it say? Write it down and share in my Circle!

A Message from Moonstone:

Share your Crone Time Musings with a special friend and do something different to celebrate, release and let go of unwanted baggage. For me, this month I'm sharing these usually private Moon Musings (reserved for my Moon Musing Group) with all of you. Woohoo!