Star Orgasm

Supernova. Acrylic & pastel on masonite, 48 x 48 inches. © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe

"In the days before the Anunnaki came down and mated with the Goddess, women had bodies that radiated light out to the stars. A man who entered those bodies became a star during orgasm." ~ Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda.

Being an artist is like believing in fairy tales when you're all grown up, and if you're really good you get to live them or at least dream in color.

psssst...i'm looking for places to show these creations, so if you have any suggestions please email me.

Supernova. Acrylic & pastel on masonite, 48 x 48 inches. © 2011 by Kathy Crabbe

Learn how to transmute radiation through creativity here.