What is an Ancestor Reading?
Ancestors are family members (or friends) that have passed away but choose to 'come through' for you in times of need so that they can offer you guidance in the form of a message. I will request specific information from your ancestor so that you can positively identify them. I will sometimes see your ancestors, hear them, or feel their presence along with their name and I will do my best to capture whatever message they have for you. It can be reassuring to know that you are being watched over and loved by those who truly care for your well-being.
Spirit Guides are wise teachers and guardians from another dimension that advise and protect us. They are dis-incarnate spirits (ie. animal totems, angels, nature spirits) that can act as spiritual counselors or protectors for us, during our time of need. I will also provide you with suggestions and techniques for connecting to your guides on your own.
An Ancestor Reading for Elizabeth, 'Bethy'
This reading is in response to your wish for a connection with Myrtle or (David or Pete.)
I feel as though it is Myrtle that I am connecting with at this time.
- Although it seems as though it might be Pete who appears first. He appears slap-happy and wearing blue jean overalls and was closely connected to Myrtle. He was a man of few words and not very eloquent so I decide to move on with the reading to connect with Myrtle.
- Myrtle appears quite small with bird-like features.
- She appears demure at first and wearing cat-eye glasses.
- It’s as if she has a lot to say, but kept a lot of it back – she was repressed in this way, as if she was always correcting herself.
- Did she have a friend by the name of Hazel?
- She reassures me by placing her hand on my arm and saying, “I did what I could.”
- I believe that she was your maternal grandmother and did her husband’s name sound like ‘Bo’?
- I also see 2 children (girls).
- I decide to work with an Amethyst gemstone to help strengthen the connection I have with her.
- I also see her praying to Jesus to give her strength.
- I asked what qualities she passed on to you and she says that she passed on her curiosity to you!
- I sense that she may have been repressed by her husband’s larger-than-life presence – he just took up more space than her and required more attention.
- I sense that she had a close bond with her own mother (she had long hair.) She has memories of sweeping.
- She grew up in a town. Was her brother named Pete?
- She appeared very active as a girl; playing, running and jumping – she was more outgoing then.
- But then I get an image of ‘grey knitting’ and she appears to have shut down.
- As a teen (around the age of 16) something traumatic happened to her (death of a family member, her mother?) or possibly just growing up and having to leave behind childish games.
- Then she had your mother and she was happy for a while.
- I see her with light, fine, blonde-brown hair, just above her shoulder and lightly curled at the ends.
- She may have suffered from depression.
- In regards to how she passed away I feel pain in the middle of her back and in her left leg as well as a shortness of breath – a stroke? When it happened she asked, “Is this what it feels like to die?” and she felt no more pain after that.
She also says, “Now I can watch and I’m lighter and freer up here!” - A few more things she mentioned were that she liked square dancing and cats, especially an orange-creamsicle colored cat – he was her favorite.
And for you she has this message: “Stand up tall and don’t let them overlook you. You are right, ‘it’s your time’ and I’m proud of you.” She also says to “Be kind to your little brother.”

Bethy's Response:
You connected with my Maternal Grandmother, Myrtle. She used to call her husband, John, her "Beau". It was well known. So, even though you may have thought of it as a name it was his title, so to speak, in her heart. He died in 1974, when I was just a baby.
The two girls were, in my heart and mind, my mom, Mary and my Aunt, Margaret. Lately they have been living and caring for each other and I have prayed for them both asking Grandma Myrtle to intercede. I truly envision her now as part of God's "Communion of Saints", of which we all are. She and I didn't connect so much in life but my gifts have lead me in directions in which I have had to be "curious" all on my own to follow God's deepest call on my life.
I first connected with Grandma Davey (Myrtle)when I was married on her birthday. I used one of her poems in my Mass. I have recently called on her in times of trouble with my marriage and most profoundly when I was being "harassed" by negative spirits in my house. Unlike ANY experience I have had in my life, she came as like a ball of light in my room, more like in my mind's eye one night at bedtime. I knew it was her right away and she brought total peace and I talked to her but only intentions or thoughts came passing by my mind and it was like a spirit conversation.
She gave me the impression that she was like a little bird, so free and full of life, movement and she could "fly" all over and was never far, she said. She told me that all any of us have to do is "Love our Life" and follow our heart's dream with complete trust in God, mostly not to WORRY.
I confirmed some of the things she described about her husband, who was definitely larger than life and is and was sorely missed by his two girls. The hair reference, according to my mom, was also correct.
When you said that she said to "Be kind to my little brother", I immediately thought of my son, Benjiman, actually. She also gave me the impression when she visited me that night, that we are all brothers and sisters in the Kingdom. It is an inside message to me. She knows me and my son are somehow inherently friends on this life journey.
I was thoroughly satisfied with your connection and your gift is true. The truth sets you free and like you twittered not long ago, your specialty is the fruit of the spirit in which your gift manifests. I think you said that people are put on a path that keeps leading them in the right direction. This is SO close to what I believe I am called to and which was exactly what my Grandma Myrtle indicated she always wanted from her life but that some how her own self imposed and family imposed boundaries kept her away from experiencing this true miracle of connection with her family and people until AFTER she passed into the spirit world.
I want to save and get another reading so as to get encouraged to go in the wonderful direction God intends for me. Your gifts and my gifts and these connections are all part of the true Body of Christ at work in this world. Keep in touch, please and I will talk to you again, hopefully soon.
To book an Ancestor Reading please do so here.