Shiner Fish Affirmation: Moon in Pisces Oct. 19-21
Mama Moon is in PISCES so I chose Shiner Fish to guide us through.
Shiner Fish is from my Elfin Ally Oracle Deck due out in Spring, 2019. A deck to re-wild your elfin self in tune with Mama Moon.
Her astrological signs are Pisces and Cancer, ruled by the Planets, Neptune and the Moon.
The Elfin Ally Oracle is a 72 card square deck and guidebook that comes with affirmations, keywords, spirit animal astrology & medicine, elf stories, poems, meanings, fun facts and much more which will be included in a 40 page saddle stitched book.
Tune into Mama Moon to better make informed decisions and get the inside scoop for the moonth ahead with a 32 page Astrological Moon Chart