Kathy Crabbe

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How to Identify Your Core Strength

Dear Mer-Moon Muser,

As the Fool dictates (from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot deck); minutes before sending this out I re-write my entire article. To read the original version including Tarot Tips click here.

I am blessed...to adapt this final line from Byung-Chul Han's book "
Psycho-Politics Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power" (a critique of individualism and the pathologies underlying contemporary hyper-individualism) to suit my Mermaids.

Mer Version
The Fool does not exist as a subject - they are more like a mollusc; an existence simply open to light.

The Fool can teach us how to let go of assumptions and be true to our core self.


By opening to our light ~ when do you shine the brightest? This is your core strength; when you feel absorbed and in the flow you know that you are doing your soul's core strength. For me, it's painting, giving readings, dancing, swimming, writing...So yes, you can have many core strengths!

Which of your core strengths is at the top of your list? If you don't know simply open yourself to the light and ask your gods, higher power, ancestors, the Universe for guidance; for a sign, a clue, a symbol, a dream or pull an oracle/tarot card asking: "Show me my top core strength" and then trust in you. You know You best. Just remember you are blessed.

Please note, this philosophy is at the core of all I do as a
soul reader, artist and human being.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves" by Kathy Crabbe, Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

This week's newest watercolor features the Fool card from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot, a 22-card Major Arcana deck. I'm also working on a coloring book along with disabled writer Rae Rose.

Sparkly Mer-Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe
Artist & Soul Reader

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved, Mark and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and have taught at Wise Woman School.

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