Kathy Crabbe

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Embracing Differences with the Devil Card

Dear Mer-Moon Muser,

Today I am channeling The Devil Mermaid from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot even though my energy is still low after selling my Wood Kitty Art at a Memorial Day art fair in Idyllwild, a lovely small, artsy mountain town in Southerth California near my home. Dogwoods flowered nearby amidst towering Ponderosa Pines, rocky peaks and small seasonal creeks and waterfalls; it smelled delightful!

But, back to the Devil Mermaid and into the dark shadows and murky waters.

As I dive deep into my own Shadow Material 'down to the heart's chambers', I drop the mask...

to embrace difference,
to love my demon.
Then to sleep a 1000 sleeps
as I sink slowly
to the bottom of the lake
I am the Mermaid's Gift.

In this telling I share hope and acceptance. May we all find more of this in our heart's deepest chambers.

Compassion comes through in all my soul readings which I offer as audio recordings based upon your specific questions and issues.

"Down to the Heart's Chambers", Tarot Card: Devil, 6 x 8 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Down to the Heart's Chambers" (detail), Tarot Card: Devil, 6 x 8 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

This week's newest watercolor features the Devil card from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot, a 22-card circular Major Arcana deck.

Kathy & Mark, Idyllwild Art in the Park, May, 2024

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved, Mark and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and have taught at Wise Woman School.