Just connect the wings
Kathy Crabbe, Just connect the wings, 2013, mixed media on paper, 5 x 7”
I felt a strong need to get back into some figurative, cartooney work. After a recent weekend trip to Los Angeles it was the Giotto exhibit (first time ever that this many of his works have been shown together in North America). As I stood looking very very closely at one of his religious scenes I picked out all my favorite bits which turned out to be architectural; a window, a door, the ground...his brushstrokes were tiny but vibrant, loose, naturalistic...and this was in the 1300's!
Kathy Crabbe, (Detail), 2013, mixed media on paper, 5 x 7”.
The Giant Robot Biennale 3 also proved inspirational, especially the work of Saelee Oh, a Los Angeles artist who displayed small, delicate and 'cute' watercolours of creatures and figures.
These painters made me want to paint people and scenes again and so I did the very next day - see above.
To purchase Just connect the wings please click here for my etsy shop.