Dreaming a Better Tomorrow with the Fool Card

Dear Mer-Moon Muser,

I am so tired of the noise...online. I retreat into poetry, watercolor and neurodivergent affirming spaces. I deactivate my Facebook, made my main Instagram private and stop posting on social media. Soon (by late July) I will be on the road to Canada; cottage country, camping along the way in our rooftop tent. I will have my Tarot and my guides, accompanied by my beloved Mark & Djinn Djinn, our tiny, scrappy dog. I will document my journey sending missives to you in my museletter and on my blog enroute. I will accept soul readings as always.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves", Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves" by Kathy Crabbe, Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves" by Kathy Crabbe, Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves" by Kathy Crabbe, (detail), Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves", Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

"Fairy Healing Magic for Our Shadow Selves" by Kathy Crabbe, (detail), Tarot Card: The Fool, 8 x 11 in., gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

This week's newest watercolor & poem features the Fool card from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot, a 22-card circular Major Arcana deck. I'm also working on a coloring book with Rae Rose, disabled writer & poet Supreme to accompany the deck.

Sparkly Mer-Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe

Mer-Fool Tarot-Poem

Collect your thoughts
into a big pile
then burn them.
Whatever remains
to Sea
to Meri
to bury in the deep
where all dreams

Tarot Tips

Song: I journey in delight.
Upright: child-like, freedom, innocence, path of delight.
Reversed: apathy, hesitation, foolish, ungrounded.
MerMagic: Dreaming, river bath, sacred play. Amethyst, dreaming, flamingo, lotus, opal, oyster, river bathing.
MerSpirits: Galligende, Yemaya

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved, Mark and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and have taught at Wise Woman School.

It's Beltane! SUPERB! Mermaids for Justice Healing Support Blog

Dear Mer-Moon Muser,

I rally
again & again
and it's Beltane!
So I stop & I pause
& I gather
my troops (that's you!)
and I sprinkle
the Beltane dew
from this morning's Grape Leaves
upon your tongue
- taste - less -
we are ready
for anything, let's go!

This week's siren song & watercolor depicts the Justice card from my upcoming Siren Song Tarot, a 22-card circular Major Arcana deck.

Sparkly Mer-Blessings!
Kathy 'Kat' Crabbe

p.s. dew collected at dawn on Beltane (aka May Day) brings power to beauty rituals and spells.

Justice Mermaid painting by Kathy Crabbe

Listen to the Language of the Future, 9 x 12 in., acrylic gouache, gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

Justice Mermaid by Kathy Crabbe

Listen to the Language of the Future (detail), 9 x 12 in., acrylic gouache, gouache, watercolor, ink, collage on paper, 2024.

Kathy Crabbe

About Kathy Crabbe

I channel healing magick through my soul readings and divination decks.

Dividing my time between California and Canada I travel by caravan to mer-faerie cottages built by my beloved and myself.

My work has appeared in Sage Woman Magazine, We'Moon Datebook, Creative Cronies Moon Diary, and the Women's Museum of California. I review divination decks for Witches & Pagans Magazine and have taught at Wise Woman School.